
State Department inspector general becomes the latest watchdog fired by Trump≒ 国務省の検査官はトランプによって解雇された最新の監視員になる
State Department inspector general becomes the latest watchdog fired by Trump
By Zachary Cohen, Manu Raju, Jennifer Hansler, Veronica Stracqualursi, Kylie Atwood and Vivian Salama, CNN
Updated 12:40 AM EDT, Sat May 16, 2020
(CNN) President Donald Trump on Friday fired State Department Inspector General Steve Linick, the latest in a series of dismissals of independent government watchdogs that have come in the wake of the President's acquittal on articles of impeachment earlier this year.
"It is vital that I have the fullest confidence in the appointees serving as Inspectors General. That is no longer the case with regard to this Inspector General," Trump said in a letter sent late Friday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The letter states the dismissal is effective in 30 days.
Politico first reported the dismissal.
Not long after Linick's firing was announced, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee said Linick had opened an investigation into Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
"I have learned that the Office of the Inspector General had opened an investigation into Secretary Pompeo," Engel said in his statement denouncing the firing. Engel did not provide any further details about the scope of this investigation or how he learned about it.
A senior State Department official confirmed that Pompeo made the recommendation that Linick be removed, but the official did not know the reasons why.
Requests for comment from the State Department Inspector General's office and the State Department itself regarding the investigation revealed by Engel were not returned Friday evening. Engel's office declined to provide further details about his statement regarding an investigation.
The inspector general investigation Engel referenced centers around possible misuse of a political appointee at the State Department to perform personal tasks for Pompeo and his wife, a Democratic congressional aide with knowledge of the investigation told CNN.
A source close to Linick told CNN the allegation raised by the Democratic aide had previously been brought to Linick's office but was not aware of an official investigation being opened into the matter.
Engel's revelation of an investigation into Pompeo opened by Linick shows the seriousness of a surprising move that mirrors the dismissal of former Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson last month. The firing comes as Trump continues his attacks on internal government oversight. The President has shown repeated hostility to any independent scrutiny from within the government, often targeting officials he sees as holdovers from President Barack Obama's administration or part of the so-called "deep state," which he believes is aligned against him.
Linick, who was first appointed as an inspector general by Obama, had a small role in the impeachment inquiry. Linick gave a private briefing to bipartisan staff from eight House and Senate committees and gave them documents that the State Department had received from Trump's private attorney Rudy Giuliani. The documents included unfounded allegations of wrongdoing against Biden and former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch. By doing this, he broke ranks with State Department leadership who vowed not to cooperate with the investigation.
READ: Trump announces he's firing the State Department inspector general
A State Department spokesperson confirmed Linick's dismissal and said that Ambassador Stephen Akard, an ally of Vice President Mike Pence, will take on the role. Akard's ties to Pence, which date back to when he worked under then-Indiana Gov. Pence as the head of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation, have previously rankled former diplomats who see him as a part of the politicization of the State Department.
"On September 11, 2019, Ambassador Akard was confirmed by the Senate, 90-2, to lead the Department's Office of Foreign Missions and we look forward to him leading the Office of the Inspector General," a State Department spokesperson said. Akard is a former career Foreign Service Officer who served as a special assistant in the Executive Secretariat, as a political officer and general officer at Embassy Brussels, and served as a consular officer at the US Consulate General in Mumbai.
The decision to choose Akard as his successor was done in consultation with his management team, but Pompeo ultimately made the decision, the official said.
"This is scary and completely unexpected," a separate State Department source close to Linick told CNN.
This source didn't know of anything that seemed to trigger this beyond Trump's general ire with what he deems to be the "deep state."
A different source said senior staff in the State Department Inspector General's office were blindsided. Akard has been named under the vacancies act to bypass Linick's deputy, Diana Shaw, who just assumed the role this month after having shifted from the Department of Homeland Security's Inspector General's office. CBS first reported Pompeo's role.
Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, quickly questioned Pompeo's role in Linick's dismissal and said the Senate Foreign Relations Committee needs to learn more.
"If Inspector General Linick was fired because he was conducting an investigation of conduct by Secretary Pompeo, the Senate cannot let this stand," Murphy said on Twitter, referring to Engel's statement. "The Senate Foreign Relations Committee must get to bottom of what happened here."
Linick began his job in September 2013. He previously was a Justice Department prosecutor and worked as a top Department of Justice fraud official. He also served as the first Inspector General of the Federal Housing Finance Agency.
At the State Department, Linick oversaw the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server. His May 2016 report on the probe was critical of Clinton, saying the former secretary failed to follow the rules or inform key department staff regarding her use of the private server.
He was also an assistant US attorney in California and Virginia. Linick served as executive director of the Department of Justice's National Procurement Fraud Task Force as well as deputy chief of the fraud section in the Department of Justice's Criminal Division from 2006 to 2010.
"During his tenure at the Department of Justice, he supervised and participated in white-collar criminal fraud cases involving, among other things, corruption and contract fraud against the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan," according to his State Department biography.
He has also issued two damning reports about the State Department during Trump's administration. One report released in August 2019 found that top officials in the State Department's Bureau of International Organization Affairs subjected employees to "disrespectful and hostile treatment," accusations of disloyalty, and retaliation. Another report released in November 2019 that found that high-ranking Trump administration political appointees within the State Department improperly retaliated against a career civil servant during Rex Tillerson's tenure as secretary of state.
The dismissal drew immediate condemnation from Democratic members of Congress.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the "late-night, weekend firing" of Linick an "acceleration of the President's dangerous pattern of retaliation against the patriotic public servants charged with conducting oversight on behalf of the American people."
Pelosi added that the firing will "set back the important work of the Office of the Inspector General to perform critical audits, investigations and inspections of U.S. embassies and programs around the world" during the coronavirus crisis.
Sen. Robert Menendez, the New Jersey Democrat who is the ranking member on the Foreign Relations Committee, called the firing "shameful" in a tweet.
Trump has now fired multiple inspectors general in the wake of the Senate acquitting him on two articles of impeachment in early February, as the nation's attention was on fighting coronavirus. The President, CNN previously reported, has been fixated on ridding his administration of government watchdogs he views as Obama loyalists.
In early April, Trump fired the intelligence community inspector general, Atkinson, who had told Congress about the whistleblower complaint that led to Trump's impeachment.
Within a week, Trump removed the acting inspector general for the Defense Department, Glenn Fine, from his post. Fine's removal from the top job made him no longer eligible to chair an accountability committee tasked with overseeing coronavirus emergency funds.
Trump also publicly attacked the top official at the Department of Health and Human Services' inspector general's office over a report on hospitals facing supply shortages.
Rep. Gerry Connolly, a Democrat from Virginia, condemned the series of dismissals on Friday.
"The firing of IGs (the fourth) is meant to intimidate and silence those who wish to hold corruption accountable," Connolly said on Twitter. "It's an attack on our democracy and should trouble all members of Congress. The GOP silence on this is a dereliction of duty."
This story has been updated with additional reporting and background information on Linick.
CNN's Marshall Cohen contributed to this report.
Zachary Cohen、Manu Raju、Jennifer Hansler、Veronica Stracqualursi、Kylie Atwood、Vivian Salama、CNN
トランプ氏は金曜遅く、下院議長のナンシー・ペロシ氏に宛てた書簡で、「総監官を務める被任命者たちに最大限の信頼を置くことは非常に重要である。もはやこの総監官については当てはまらない」と述べた。 書簡は解雇が30日で有効になると述べています。
「総督官邸がポンピオ長官の捜査を開始したことを知った」とエンゲル氏は発砲を非難した。 エンゲルは、この調査の範囲や、彼がそれについてどのように学んだかについて、これ以上の詳細は提供していません。
エンゲルによって明らかにされた調査に関する国務省検査局および国務省自身からのコメントの要求は金曜日の夜に返されませんでした。 エンゲルのオフィスは、調査に関する彼の声明についての詳細を提供することを断った。
エンゲルがリニックによって開かれたポンピオへの調査を明らかにしたことは、先月の情報コミュニティー監察官マイケル・アトキンソンの解任を反映する驚くべき動きの深刻さを示しています。 トランプが内部政府の監視に対する彼の攻撃を続けているので、発砲は起こります。 大統領は政府内からの独立した精査に対して度々敵意を示しており、バラックオバマ大統領の政権からの持ち越し、またはいわゆる「ディープステート」の一部であると彼が見ている役人を狙っていることが多い。
オバマから最初に監察官に任命されたリニックは、弾劾審理において小さな役割を果たした。 リニックは下院と上院の8つの委員会から超党派のスタッフにプライベートブリーフィングを行い、国務省がトランプの私立弁護士ルディ・ジュリアーニから受け取った文書を彼らに与えました。 これらの文書には、バイデンと元ウクライナ大使マリエ・ヨバノヴィッチに対する不正行為の根拠のない主張が含まれていました。 これを行うことにより、彼は調査に協力しないことを誓った国務省の指導者との地位を破った。
国務省のスポークスパーソンはリニックの解任を認め、マイク・ペンス副大統領の同盟国であるスティーブン・アカード大使がこの役割を果たすことになると述べた。 ペンスとの関係は、インディアナ州経済開発公社の首長としてペンディア州知事の下で働いていたときまでさかのぼります。以前は、彼を国務省の政治の一部と見なしていた外交官をランク付けしました。
国務省報道官は、「2019年9月11日、上院(90-2)により、アカード大使が部外交部を率いることが確認され、総監部を率いることを期待している」と述べた。 Akardは元キャリア外交官で、ブリュッセル大使館の行政官および総務官を務め、ムンバイの米国総領事館の総領事を務めました。
別の情報筋は、国務省総監局の上級職員は盲目的であると述べた。 国土安全保障省の検察総局から移ったばかりの今月、リニックの代理人であるダイアナショーを迂回するための欠員行為に基づいて、アカードは指名された。 CBSは最初にポンピオの役割を報告した。
「ポンピオ書記長による行動の調査を行っていたためにリニック監察官が解雇された場合、上院はこれを止めることができない」とマーフィはエンゲルの声明を引用しながらツイッターで述べた。 「上院外交委員会はここで何が起こったのかを理解しなければならない。」
リニックは2013年9月に彼の仕事を始めました。彼は以前は司法省の検察官であり、司法省の詐欺の最高責任者として働いていました。 彼はまた、連邦住宅金融庁の最初の監察官を務めました。
国務省では、リニックはヒラリークリントン前国務長官によるプライベートメールサーバーの使用に関する調査を監督しました。 調査に関する2016年5月の彼の報告はクリントンに批判的であり、元秘書はルールに従わなかった、または彼女のプライベートサーバーの使用に関して主要部門のスタッフに通知しなかったと述べました。
彼はまた、カリフォルニアとバージニア州の米国助手補佐官でもありました。 リニックは、司法省の国家調達詐欺対策委員会のエグゼクティブディレクター、および2006年から2010年まで司法省の刑事部の詐欺セクションの副局長を務めました。
彼はまた、トランプ政権の間に国務省について2つの酷い報告を出しました。 2019年8月に発表された1つのレポートでは、国務省の国際組織局の最高幹部が従業員を「軽蔑的かつ敵対的な扱い」、不誠実な非難、および報復に処したことがわかりました。 2019年11月に発表された別のレポートによると、国務省内のトランプ政権の高官が、国務長官としてのレックスティラーソンの在職中にキャリア公務員に不適切に報復した。
国の注目がコロナウイルスとの戦いにあったので、トランプは現在、上院が2月の弾劾の2つの記事で彼を無罪とした後、複数の監察官を解雇しました。 大統領、CNNが以前に報告した、は彼がオバマの忠誠者として見ている政府監視犬の彼の管理を取り除くことに固執しました。
トランプ氏は1週間以内に、国防総省のグレンファイン総監察官をポストから解任しました。 罰金が最高職から解任されたため、彼はもはやコロナウイルス緊急資金の監督を任務とする説明責任委員会の議長を務める資格がなくなった。
「IGの解雇(4回目)は、汚職の責任を問われることを望む人々を脅迫し沈黙させることを意図している」とコノリーはTwitterで述べた。 「それは私たちの民主主義への攻撃であり、議会のすべてのメンバーを悩ませるべきです。これに対するGOP沈黙は義務の怠慢です。」