
Vast size of prehistoric megalodon shark, which had a fin as long as a human, revealed for the first time≒ ヒトと同じくらいのヒレを持っている先史時代のメガロドンサメの巨大なサイズが初めて明らかにされた

Vast size of prehistoric megalodon shark, which had a fin as long as a human, revealed for the first time


By Sara Spary, CNN
Updated 10:47 AM EDT, Thu September 03, 2020
A computational reconstruction of megalodon's size and proportions at different life stages: a) 16-meter adult with 12 estimated body dimensions recorded; b) 3-meter new-born; c) 8-meter juvenile and d) artistic reconstruction of a 16-meter adult.
(CNN)The true size of a gigantic prehistoric megalodon shark that ruled the oceans millions of years ago has been revealed for the first time -- and it had teeth as big as hands, and a fin as tall as a human adult.

Researchers at the University of Bristol, in southwestern England, and at the Swansea University, in south Wales, used mathematical calculations to work out the size of the megalodon shark from rare fossil remains of its teeth.

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The findings were published Thursday in the journal Scientific Reports.

Researchers told CNN that the giant shark species would have grown up to 18 meters (59 feet) in length and weighed about 48 tons, which is larger than any other shark known to have existed and more than twice the size of a great white shark.

With teeth as big as human hands, it would have had a bite force of more than 10 tons, dwarfing that of a great white shark's bite force of two tons, researchers said.

Its tail would have been as long as 3.85 meters (12.6 feet) and its fin would have stood at 1.62 meters in length (5.3 feet) -- the height of a human adult.

Measuring an estimated 1.6 meters (5.3 feet), the megalodon's fin was as tall as an adult human.
Measuring an estimated 1.6 meters (5.3 feet), the megalodon's fin was as tall as an adult human.
The team was able to estimate its size by comparing its teeth with that of modern shark species, which, they said, grow into adults in proportion unlike humans who are born with shorter limbs and a larger head.

This means they can estimate the shark's growth curve, based on that of modern species.

Jack Cooper, who has just completed the MSc in Palaeobiology at the University of Bristol's School of Earth Sciences and led the study, told CNN the shark -- which lived from 23 million to about three million years ago -- would have fed on small whales and pinnipeds -- which are marine mammals that today include seals, walrus and sea lions.

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"There have been some fossils found with large serrated bite marks on them that would incriminate megalodon as the attacker," Cooper told CNN.

"I have always been mad about sharks. As an undergraduate, I have worked and dived with Great Whites in South Africa -- protected by a steel cage of course," he added in a statement. "It's that sense of danger, but also that sharks are such beautiful and well adapted animals, that makes them so attractive to study.

"Megalodon was actually the very animal that inspired me to pursue palaeontology in the first place at just six years old, so I was over the moon to get a chance to study it."


Sara Spary、CNN

2020年9月3日木曜日午前10:47 EDT更新

異なるライフステージでのメガロドンのサイズと比率の計算による再構成:a)16メートルの成人で12の推定身体寸法が記録されている。 b)3メートルの新生児。 c)8メートルの少年とd)16メートルの成人の芸術的再構成。




調査結果は、ジャーナルScientific Reportsで木曜日に発表されました。







ブリストル大学の地球科学部で古生物学の修士課程を修了し、研究を主導したジャッククーパーは、CNNに対し、2,300万年から約300万年前に生息していたサメが小さなクジラを食べていたと語った そしてカササギ-今日はアザラシ、セイウチ、アシカを含む海洋哺乳類です。



「私はいつもサメに夢中です。学部生として、南アフリカのグレートホワイトと一緒に働いてダイビングしました。もちろん、スチール製のケージで保護されています」と彼は声明で付け加えた。 「それは危険な感覚ですが、サメはとても美しく、順応性の高い動物であるため、研究するのがとても魅力的です。

