






25.The Committee notes with appreciation that the Fifth Basic Plan for Gender Equality addresses the need to eliminate gender stereotypes by promoting awareness of unconscious gender bias and challenging norms. It remains concerned, however:
 (a) At the persistence of patriarchal attitudes and deep-rooted gender stereotypes on the roles and responsibilities of women and men in the family and in society, including in education, employment and public life;
 (b) About gender stereotyping, sexist messages and portrayals of women and girls, including in Parliament, on television, the internet, and social media;
 (c) That gender stereotypes continue to be the root causes of sexual and gender-based violence against women, and that pornography, video games and animation products such as manga could promote sexual and gender-based violence against women and girls;
 (d) About persisting gender stereotypes against ethnic minorities such as Ainu, Buraku and Zainachi Korean women and girls.
26.Recalling joint general recommendation No. 31 of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women/general comment No. 18 of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (2019) on harmful practices, as revised, and the Committee’s previous recommendations (CEDAW/C/JPN/CO/7-8, para.21), the Committee recommends that the State party:
 (a) Adopt a comprehensive strategy with proactive and sustained measures that target women, men, girls and boys at all levels of society to eliminate patriarchal attitudes and discriminatory stereotypes concerning the roles and responsibilities of women and men in the family and in society, allocate sufficient resources to it and ensure monitoring and evaluation of its implementation;
 (b) Provide capacity-building to public officials and the media to enable them to address gender stereotypes concerning the roles and responsibilities of women and men in the family and in society, including through gender-responsive language, and promote positive portrayals of women as active drivers of development in the media;
 (c) Effectively implement existing legal measures and monitoring programmes in order to address the production and distribution of pornographic material, video games and animation products that exacerbate discriminatory gender stereotypes and reinforce sexual violence against women and girls;
 (d) Draft a national policy and implement comprehensive and sustainable measures to ensure that gender stereotypes against ethnic minorities such as Ainu, Buraku and Zainachi Korean women and girls are effectively addressed throughout all sectors of the State Party.



37.The Committee notes with appreciation that the Fifth Basic Plan provides for the promotion of career choices for women in STEM and that the Guidelines for University Admission Selection have been revised to prohibit universities from applying discriminatory selection criteria based on gender. However, the Committee notes with concern:
 (a) The wide gender gap in top-ranked universities, as well as in fields of studies that are traditionally male dominated, such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and ICT;
 (b) The low participation of women in senior management and decision-making positions in educational institutions, and their concentration in lower-paid positions, including as part-time lecturers, as well as the low proportion of women teaching staff in senior positions particularly in leadership roles such as principals and university executives);
 (c) The reported censoring by some politicians and public officials of the language used and content and the inadequate length of sexuality education;
 (d) Reports that references to “comfort women” have been deleted in textbooks by publishers who have flexibility as to how they reflect historical issues;
 (e) Difficult teaching conditions, including long working hours, no overtime pay, sleep deprivation and the need to take work home, which have a disparate impact on female teachers, including extensive sick leave and attrition or early retirement due to additional domestic responsibilities;
 (f) Possible gender disparities between single-sex and co-educational institutions in relation to educational approaches and opportunities, which may have an impact on career outcomes for women and that perpetuate and validate the segregation of the sexes in other areas.
38.In the light of its general recommendation No. 36 (2017) on the right of girls and women to education, the Committee recommends that the State party:
 (a) Promote women’s access to top-ranked universities and non-traditional educational choices and career paths of girls and women, such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and ICT, including through gender-responsive study and career counselling;
 (b) Adopt targeted measures, including temporary special measures, to increase the representation of women in senior management and decision-making positions in educational institutions, to promote career progression for women in academia and employ more women in full time teaching positions;
 (c) Ensure that age-appropriate comprehensive sexuality education, including education on responsible sexual behaviour to prevent early pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, is appropriately integrated into school curricula, with regular lessons and free from interference by politicians and public officials with its content and the language used;
 (d) Ensure that federal guidelines on textbook publication call for the adequate reflection of historical lived experiences of women, including “comfort women” in textbooks so that historical facts are objectively presented to students and the general public, and monitor the extent to which publishers respect this guideline in order to ensure accuracy and standardization of textbook in all educational institutions;
 (e) Strengthen and enforce measures to ensure gender-sensitive working conditions for teachers, prioritizing work-life balance through reduced hours and accommodating policies;
 (f) Implement comprehensive reforms that standardize educational approaches across all institution types, and promote gender-inclusive curricula and career guidance, thereby ensuring equitable career outcomes for women and discouraging sex segregation in broader society.



51.The Committee notes with concern:
 (a) The lack of compliance with provisions of the Civil Code, resulting in difficulties for women in the administration of assets, access to bank accounts and property titles and the equal division of property in divorce proceedings;
 (b) Reports that, under the current consent divorce system, family courts often prioritize child visitation rights, even in cases involving abusive fathers and even when protection orders should be issued, potentially compromising the safety of both the child and the victimized parent;
 (c) That policies aimed at supporting single mothers in raising their children do not adequately address the socio-economic challenges that they face, as well as the persistence of sexist stereotypes about single parenting;
 (d) The lack of legal recognition of same-sex marriages and de facto unions and the prohibition for same-sex couples to adopt children.
52.In line with its general recommendation No. 29 (2013) on the economic consequences of marriage, family relations and their dissolution, the Committee recommends that the State party:
 (a) Take steps to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Civil Code so as to allow for an equal division of property in divorce proceedings;
 (b) Provide affordable legal advice to women seeking divorce, and enhance and expand capacity-building for the judges and child welfare officers to ensure that they adequately take into account gender-based violence when deciding on child custody and visitation rights;
 (c) Adopt targeted measures to support single mothers, including by facilitating the reconciliation of professional and family life through the provision of sufficient numbers of affordable childcare facilities and flexible working arrangements, and eliminate sexist stereotypes surrounding single parenting;
 (d) Recognize same-sex unions, marriages and registered unions entered into under private international law and allow the adoption of children by women in same-sex marriages or de facto unions.

