途中、何度か浮気をして、Canon E0S 5D Mark IIを1台、Leicaのコンパクトカメラを3台ほどゲットしたことがあった。結局、起業後はNikon F4に始まり、それからNikon D1、D800、D800E、Df、D600、D750、D500、D850、Z7と、日々の取材のお伴をしてくれた。
レンズは、それぞれに癖もあり、Nikkor、Sigma、Tamron、そしてCarl Zeissなど20本ほど揃えていた。しかし、現在は壊れたり間引きしたりで、10本程度しか残っていない。
「どんなカメラが欲しい?」と聞かれれば、諄いようだがNikon Dfであろうか。「どんなレンズが欲しい?」と聞かれれば、24mm-105mmのズームレンズと、俗称お姉ちゃんレンズの85mmレンズである。
▼英訳(translated by ChatGPT)
Do I continue as a Nikon fan until the end, or do I enter the world of Leica!?
When I was young, I used to gaze at my father's camera but wasn't allowed to touch it. He wouldn't let me enter the darkroom where he developed his black and white film. He only lent me a small Minolta film camera.
My father was a Leica enthusiast who loved black and white photography. He had even bought a developing machine and built a darkroom. I remember seeing a dim red light flickering inside the room.
As a working adult, I searched for a film camera to buy, but when I saw the price tag on a Leica camera, I was shocked and ended up comparing Nikon and Canon before deciding to purchase a Nikon film camera.
Since then, I have always been a Nikon enthusiast, using Nikon cameras for my photography work. I have had a few flings with a Canon EOS 5D Mark II and about three compact Leica cameras, but eventually, I settled with Nikon F4 and later, Nikon D1, D800, D800E, Df, D600, D750, D500, D850, and Z7 as my companions for daily photography work.
I had about 20 lenses with different quirks, including Nikkor, Sigma, Tamron, and Carl Zeiss, but some broke or had to be culled, and now I only have about 10 left.
My favorite camera is Df, but unfortunately, it broke, and when I got an estimate for repair costs, it would cost around 190,000 yen, so I had to abandon the repair. Now, Df's price has increased in the secondhand market, and I regret not fixing it.
D800 was also a camera I enjoyed using, but like Df, it broke with complex faults in the mirror, and the shutter stopped working. The repair cost was also high, so now it's just a decorative item.
I love the unique green tone that Nikon cameras produce, but of course, the lens characteristics also affect the outcome, so it's not a universal truth. I particularly appreciate how Nikon cameras portray flowers.
If someone asks me what camera I want, it might sound cliche, but I would choose the Nikon Df. If someone asks me what lens I want, it would be a 24mm-105mm zoom lens and an 85mm lens, commonly known as "big sister lens."
"Sister lens" is a lens that can take beautiful pictures of women. The 85mm lens has less distortion and allows you to take pictures from a reasonable distance, which does not put pressure on the subject and allows for natural expressions to be captured.
While I love taking pictures, I am not comfortable being the subject of them. Lately, I have been struggling to find nice subjects due to the season, but I cannot resist capturing the moment of an encounter with my "walking camera".
However, even with just one shutter, if I handle the camera carelessly and become distracted, there is a risk of slight shutter blur, ruining the photo. Therefore, I have recently gone back to basics, making sure to support the camera and lens properly and taking each shot carefully and attentively.