
healthy life with my bike

Three months ago I decided commuting by bicycle after I gained the weight because of  less excercise than bofore. However,I doubt myself the time...Although I had tried that before,it didn't become my habit.I guess because I was too lazy to do it. Anyway I promised myself "It's just a month and then I can choose whether to give it up or carry on." Here the reasons why I succeed that.

1,Wearing cloths like a uniform

You might think that it does not relate with bicycle. You can save time and energy without thinking of cloths every morning. Basically,I have uniform when I work,so I don't have to care about what I wear for commuting. In my case,usually I wear jeans and T-shirt or hoodie. Some of clothes,which is long skirts,wide trousers and so on,make you in trouble with the wheels. You should think the weather,raining,windy,hot,humite...If you have idea of what you wear,you can only think which T-shirt you should where today.

2,set suitable distance

This is really inportant tip for it making habit.Firstly,you need to know your physical strength.For myself it's about 5Km each.You. might feel it is too short,but I recomend setting shorter distance especially begining.From my experience,I had tried that before with 10Km each way.In the morning I had felt really good.On the other hand I had felt badly tired on the way to home after work.Finally,I gave it up,it was only a few months. It depends on the person though...

3,feel flesh air 


Difinitely,it is refleshing and relaxing with nature. Even though you feel dpressed or flastlated,the air makes you happy and things easy by cycling.Especially in spring you might find blooming flowers as fast as any one else. You can find it easier in japan because we have four season.


New fiscal year just started. Although COVID situation is still here and it feels tiring,you can start to commute by bycycle. Not only you will get health body but also mental health. Let's get start new happy life!
