
国際カップル30の質問答えてみた/Answering 30 Questions About Being an International Couple(日本語/Eng)



Q1. パートナーの国籍、いま住んでいる国を教えてください。

Q2. パートナーとは、どこで、どうやって知り合いましたか?

Q3. パートナーの名前以外での呼び方は?(もしあれば)

Q4. パートナーを選ぶうえで譲れない条件はなんだった?

Q5. パートナーが外国人であると打ち明けたとき、家族の第一声は?

Q6. パートナーのここがヘンだよ!

Q7. ここがヘンじゃない?と言われたことは?
まだ言われたことないかな!? 多分。よくシャイだねとは言われる。

Q8. お願い、これだけはやめてもらえたら…と思うことは?

Q9. わたしって日本人だな〜とつくづく思うことは?

Q10. 日本人同士のカップルの話を聞いて、うちとは違うなと思うことは?

Q11. 食事は同じものを食べている?一緒に食事するうえでのルールは?

Q12. パートナーが絶賛する日本の食べものは?

Q13. わたしが絶賛するパートナーの故郷の食べものは?

Q14. 家事はどのように分担している?

Q15. 普段、どんな愛情表現をしている?
毎日「Umeshindaje?」(スワヒリ語で今日はどうだった?)とNakupenda sana (愛しているよ)は欠かさない。

Q16. 国際結婚・恋愛、ここがおもしろい!

Q17. 国際結婚・恋愛、ここは厳しい〜!

Q18. 国際結婚・恋愛、これは絶対必要!

Q19. 国際結婚・恋愛をテーマに書いたnoteがあれば、イチオシの記事を一つ教えてください。

Q20. 外国人のパートナーとの結婚に踏み切るべきか迷っている友人がいます。なんて言う?

Q21. これまでの二人の道のりを一言で表すなら?

Q22. ドカンと300万円が入りました。どうぞお二人で使ってくださいとのメッセージが。どう使う?

Q23. 二人の関係を円満に保つために、心がけていることは?

Q24. 国際結婚・恋愛をテーマにエッセイ本を出版することになりました。タイトルはなに?

Q25. 忘れられない二人の思い出をひとつ挙げてください。

Q26. パートナーに言われた言葉で、いちばん嬉しかったことは?

Q27. タイムマシンがあるなら、いつに戻って二人で何をしたい?


Q28. 国際結婚・恋愛には語学力より〇〇が大事。〇〇にはなにが入る?

Q29. 好きな日本語は?苦手な日本語は?

Q30. パートナーがタイ人、日本人でよかったと思うことは?


Questions and Answers
Q1. What is your partner's nationality and current country of residence?
She is Kenyan and lives in Japan. As for me, I’m a mix of Thai and Japanese.

Q2. Where and how did you meet your partner?
We met on Bumble. Initially, I was using it for English study, but we hit it off, met a few times, and eventually started dating!

Q3. Do you have any nicknames for your partner besides their name?
Tilak (a Thai term meaning sweetheart). That’s it for now.

Q4. What were the non-negotiable qualities you looked for in a partner?
Someone kind, genuine, and who values differences.

Q5. How did your family react when you told them your partner is a foreigner?
My family sort of expected it, but they were still surprised she’s Kenyan. Their reaction was like, “Oh, that makes sense!” After the initial surprise, they adjusted quickly since my parents are in an international marriage themselves.

Q6. What quirky habit does your partner have?
She often plays music and dances around. At first, it felt unusual, but now I find it calming.

Q7. Have they pointed out any quirks about you?
Not yet, as far as I know. Maybe that I’m shy—it’s something she mentions often.

Q8. Is there anything you'd like your partner to stop doing?
Honestly, nothing so far.

Q9. When do you feel “Japanese” the most?
In my quiet and shy demeanor.

Q10. What’s something that makes you think your relationship is different from a typical Japanese couple?
It’s probably how openly we express affection. We often say “I love you” in our respective languages and show physical affection. It was embarrassing at first, but I’ve gotten used to it.

Q11. Do you eat the same meals? Any rules when dining together?
When on a date, we often eat the same dishes but share food sometimes. We don’t have any specific rules.

Q12. What Japanese food does your partner love?
She enjoys pretty much all Japanese food but especially loves gyudon and misokatsu.

Q13. What food from your partner’s culture do you absolutely love?
Chapati and beef stew! It’s different from what most people imagine as beef stew—it’s more like a tomato-based soup with large chunks of beef and vegetables.

Q14. How do you divide household chores?
We don’t live together, but when I visit her place, we cook and do the dishes together.

Q15. How do you usually show affection?
Every day, I ask her, “Umeshindaje?” (Swahili for “How was your day?”) and say, “Nakupenda sana” (I love you).

Q16. What makes international relationships interesting?
We haven’t even been dating for a year, but it’s already so fascinating, and I can tell it’ll only get more so. Sharing cultural differences and childhood memories is endlessly intriguing, and we always have something to talk about. It’s never boring.

Q17. What makes international relationships challenging?
Cultural differences and entirely different upbringings mean communication is critical; otherwise, misunderstandings can build up. Also, ensuring our families understand and accept us as a couple can be tough, but it’s part of the adventure of building an international family.

Q18. What’s absolutely essential in international relationships?
Respecting differences. What you consider normal might not be for the other person. Instead of labeling things as “good” or “bad,” appreciate both perspectives. Communication is key—talking openly about work, family, your partner, and future plans lightens the load and strengthens the bond.

Q19. If you wrote an article on international relationships, what would you recommend?
I haven’t written one yet, but I’d love to.

Q20. If someone is unsure about marrying their foreign partner, what would you say?
I’m not married yet, but I’d say if you love the person and can discuss your future together, go for it! Life is short—make a choice you won’t regret. Trust your instincts.

Q21. If you could describe your relationship journey in one word, what would it be?
Adventure. We both love trying new things and are planning trips to Kenya and Thailand, which we’re super excited about.

Q22. If you suddenly received 3 million yen to spend together, how would you use it?
We’d spend it on trips to Thailand and Kenya and save some for the future.

Q23. What do you do to maintain a harmonious relationship?
Never forget to express affection, always show kindness, and communicate consistently.

Q24. If you were to publish a book about your international relationship, what would the title be?
“A Miracle Meeting of Asia and Africa: The Start of Our Adventure.”

Q25. What’s an unforgettable memory you share with your partner?
There are so many because we love adventures, but maybe when I confessed my feelings. I still remember the nervousness and excitement—it’s something I’ll never forget.

Q26. What’s the most touching thing your partner has said to you?
“You’re the kindest and most thoughtful man I know. I love your personality, values, and positivity.”

Q27. If you had a time machine, when would you go back to, and what would you do?
I’d love to relive the day we first met. It felt like we already knew each other—it was that comfortable and easy.

Questions for Your Partner
Q28. What’s more important than language skills in international relationships?
Mutual respect and support. We come from different cultures and backgrounds. What's acceptable in my culture may not be good in his culture and vice versa,  relationships aren't always easy, but as long as we keep communicating, everything will be okay.
I want him to always feel respected and know that I'm always going to be there for him.

Q29. What’s your favorite Japanese word? Any words you struggle with?
My favorite word is probably やばい! I kinda like the way it sounds 😂 I mostly use it when I'm surprised about something.
I don't have a specific word I struggle with, but I am yet to understand the different levels of formality when speaking.

Q30. What’s something you appreciate about having a Thai-Japanese partner?
I like that he is very open-minded, it's one of the things that I love about him. He is typically shy, but still has a positive mindset and is open to trying out new things. For example, he is now learning swahili. I'm also learning Japanese, and eventually Thai too.

It was fun reflecting on everything as I wrote this. I look forward to revisiting these questions 5 or 10 years from now—it’ll be interesting to see how things evolve!
