
November 16, 2021:スーパーマーケット、セルフレジ、レジ担当の身体的負担 (Supermarket, Self-service Checkout, Physical Stress of Cashiers)

 I visited an Ito-Yokado store near my home for the first time in a year. As usual, many shoppers queued up at checkout at the store.
 I have some concerns about the store. First, the store falls behind its rival, Aeon stores near my home. It has no self-service checkout, but Aeon stores already have it. I hope to see it at the store during the first half of 2022.
 Another concern is about the cashiers at the store. They are always on their feet all day. They had better take the time to work while being seated. It will reduce stress on their legs. As they age, the store should choose a way to reduce their physical stress as much as possible.
 The same can be said of other stores in Japan, including Aeon stores. It is a unique practice in Japan. I had never had seen cashiers remain standing while working in Europe and the United States.

 それと、昔から気になっていたのですが、「レジ担当」の人は立っている必要があるのでしょうか? 椅子に座る時間があってもいいのではないかと考えます。座れれば、レジ担当の人の足の負担が減ります。高齢化が進む中、少しでも体に負担の軽い方法を選ぶべきと考えます。

