September 9, 2022: Mt Fuji and the Izu Peninsula (1), Scary Experience (富士山と伊豆半島(1)、怖い体験)
Mt Fuji, its surroundings and the Izu Peninsula are so beautiful that
I have seen some Noters post articles on them. I have also found the Wakasagi fishing ban lifted on Lake Yamanaka on September 1, 2022. They reminded me of some of my experiences in the areas of Mt. Fuji.
When I was fifteen, I went to the Izu Peninsula, Fuji and the surrounding area for a school trip. We took a Shinkansen train from Kyoto and got off at Mishima to take a bus. We went to Irozaki, the southernmost point of the Izu Peninsula and Joren Falls. After that, we took a bus to move to another sightseeing place. Then, a scary disaster hit us. It was the Izu Peninsula earthquake in 1974. It suddenly shook our bus. The driver brought it to an emergency stop.
At the moment, we did not know what happened exactly, and our teacher stepped it off to see it exactly. Then, we found that it was a big earthquake. We nearly lost our lives. After a while, our bus restarted. We saw a massive rock on the way and were horrified by the fear. If it had hit our bus, it would have been curtains for us. We were lucky.
After that, we went to Mt Fuji fifth station and FujiQ Highland. But they did not amuse us since we still had the fear.
中学生の時の修学旅行で、伊豆半島を巡りと富士五湖にある富士急ハイランドを訪れました。 京都から新幹線で三島に向かい、そこからバスで移動しました。伊豆半島の最南端の石廊崎や浄蓮の滝などを訪問しました。途中までは順調で楽しかったのですが、とんでもない災害に見舞われました。1974年に発生した伊豆半島沖地震に見舞われたのです。バスで移動中に、突然、バスが大きく揺れ、運転手さんがバスを急停止しました。その時は、何が起こったのか分かりませんでした。担任の先生がバスを降りて状況を確認の結果、大地震が発生し、命を失いかねない状況だったことが分かりました。しばらく様子をみた後、バスは出発したのですが、途中で、巨大な岩が道路に転げ落ちていたのをみてぞっとしました。この石がバスに直撃していたら、ボクは一巻の終わりでした。運があったとつくづく思います。