September 13, 2021:ヨドバシの配送方法変わりました(Yodobashi Change Delivery System)
In August, I bought some products on Yodobashi.com and found changes in its delivery system. First, it extended the delivery date. In the past, I had received most of my orders for electronic products including supplies on the day following the date of the order. However, this time, I could only receive my order three days after I placed the order with Yodobashi. Second, my order for supplies was posted while I had received my previous orders in person.
I have no problem to pick up my order from my mail box. But I am greatly disappointed with the extension of delivery date. I have used Yodbashi.com since the overnight delivery system was very useful for me. As long as the overnight delivery is unavailable at Yodobashi.com, I’m forced to use other services such as Amazon.
I can understand that Yodobashi is forced to extend the delivery date since it has received too many orders to process due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But I am afraid that it will miss a lot of business chances.