
October 13, 2021:サッカー日本代表、オーストラリア戦、明石家さんまさん、養老孟司さん (National Football Team, Match against Australia, Akashiya Sanma san, Takeshi Yoro san)

 Japan beat Australia in a World Cup qualifying match, leaving Japan’s hope of going to Qatar hanging by a thread. The success lies in changing the starters and formation. To my untrained eye, the team was well organized and full of energy. “Changing” itself led to the win.
 On the same day, Akashiya Sanma san, a comedian representing Japan (my King of Comedian), showed his energetic performance in “Odoru! Sanma Goten!! 3 Hours Special Episode”, a variety show hosted by NTV. It gave me such a lot of pleasure and laughter that I couldn’t stop laughing for the entire three hours.
 Unlike the national football team, I could not find any specific change in his skills, but he must have made his efforts to “change” his skills according to a trend in society today.
 Takeshi Yoro says, “Changing yourself changes the world”.

 同日、お笑い界の代表(ボクのなかのキング)も躍動した。「踊る!さんま御殿!! 3時スペシャル」でたっぷり笑わせていただいた。今回のさんま御殿は3時間笑いっぱなしだった。本当に幸せな時間を過ごせた。さんまさんに感謝。サッカーの代表のように目立った変化はみられないが、さんまさんも研究を重ね、自分を「変える」ことで時代にあった笑いを創り続けられておられるのだと思う。

