
January 20, 2022:Excelファイルの更新、体験、大震災 (Updating Excel File, Experience, Great Earthquakes)

 Yesterday, I got a request from a coworker to update an Excel file. I updated it a year ago but have not done anything about it since then. Accordingly, I entirely forgot how to do it and what I did a year ago. I also neglected to document how to do it. I cautiously opened the file. While I was checking all the sheets, I found something wrong with a macro to link the file with another Excel file, and I managed to do it.
 In general, I do not forget what I experienced but tend to forget what I did not. I experienced the Great East Japan earthquake when I had a meeting at a tea room in Nishi-Nippori, Tokyo. I spent all night in the room and returned home the following morning.
 Despite such a painful experience, it is less deeply engraved in my heart than the Great Hanshin-Awaji Quake. I had no experience in the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. But I remembered it vividly since I watched on TV and newspapers many shocking images and videos like elevated or collapsed express highways. I seemed to simulate the earthquake.
 January 27 was the 27th anniversary of the earthquake. I pray for its victims.


