October 28, 2021: お笑い界の大御所、健康、笑いの効果 (Established Comedians, Health, Effect of Laugher)
Established comedians are still full of energy and show me good performances. 69-year old Sanma Akashiya has caught no illness, and 66-year old George Tokoro has a wide variety of hobbies. And 76-year old Tamori has his unique regimens like walking and diet.
I understand that they all try various things to maintain their health but believe that laughter, their speciality, is the best source of their health. Sanma san should laugh hundreds or thousands of times more than ordinary people do.
There is little academic research about laughter and no department of laughter at university. It is because the sense of laughter varies. But I am convinced that laugher contributes a lot to maintaining physical and psychological health and is essential to my life.
I hope the established comedians continue to give me fun and laughter.