
April 5, 2022:忘れられない出来事、吉本興業、さんまさん、阪神、連敗 (Memorable Events, Yoshimoto Kogyo, Akashiya Sanma, Hanshin Tigers, Consecutive Losses)

  I had two memorable events last weekend. One of them is the 110th-anniversary comedy show Yoshimoto Kogyo held on April 2 and 3 in Osaka. Many veteran and young comedians showed their best performances at the Namba Grand Kagetsu Theatre. Among them was the comedy show starred by Akashiya Sanma san that I watched online. IT technologies enabled me to do so while staying at home outside Tokyo. The show was so funny that I laughed hard and doubled up with laughter. In particular, the dialogue between Kiyoshi Nishikawa and Sanma san was great. I am always impressed and energized by the powerful and single-minded performance of Sanma san.
 The other event was the nine straight losses of the Hanshin Tigers. It set the record from the opening in the Central League. As the late former coach, Katsuya Nomura, says in his book, any loss must have a cause. I hope the coaches and players will single-mindedly find and remove it for the first win.

