
January 4, 2023: Red vs White Music Show, Fight over TV(紅白歌合戦、テレビをめぐる争い)

I spent New Year’s Eve 2022 without watching the Red vs White Music Show in ages. In addition, I went to bed at 22:00 and fell asleep without hearing the bells on Eve. It was not a special day but just another ordinary one. I had lost all interest in the show year by year. That is because, with the passing of the years, I have found more singers I have never seen or heard. Thus, I decided to try to spend the day without watching the show. I watched Sanma-san’s TV shows until I went to bed. Then I let my wife watch her favourite on TV.
She is now absorbed in watching films and dramas on Prime Video and WOWOW with a TV. And she likes to watch them alone, lying on the sofa. When she watches them, she hates my sitting next to her and shows that to me with her attitude. I must be sensitive to what she thinks and have to leave my seat as soon as I am aware of the attitude. The fight over the TV will go on for a while.


