July 23 東京オリンピックが開幕します (The Tokyo Olympics to Be Held Today)

The Tokyo Olympic Games will be held today. While there is no longer any way to prevent the Olympics from taking place, as of now, I still have doubt about the Olympics since the COVID-19 infections have prevented some athletes from joining the games.
Yesterday, Japan beat South Africa in a football match. But I find it hard to be happy with the win since South African players were materially affected by the COVID-19 infections. I am concerned that many similar infection cases will be reported.
I am also concerned about massive losses resulting from the Olympics. Who will bear the losses? The Japanese government may have to bear such massive financial losses in addition to heavy financial burden it has borne due to a wide variety of supports. It will be a big issue after the Olympics.

もう一つの心配は、オリンピックの費用問題です。大幅な赤字が予想されることから、赤字の穴埋めを誰がするのでしょうか? コロナで財政負担が増えているところに、オリンピックの赤字まで重なると、財政面のインパクトは大きいです。今は、誰もこの話をしませんが、閉会後は大問題になるでしょうね。

