April 12, 2022:オンライン配信、お得感、Webブラウザ (Streaming, Good Value, Web Browser)
Unfortunately, the streaming service of the Sanma no Chuzaisan starred by Akashiya Sanma san terminated yesterday. Since it ran on April 2 and 3, I watched it online every day. On April 9, I watched it for six consecutive hours since I was too excited about my daughter’s wedding to sleep. It has good value since I can repeatedly watch it at any time.
A few weeks before its start, I changed my web browser to Vivaldi from Google Chrome. I had been frustrated with Chrome since it took a long time to start up. Vivaldi starts up far faster than Chrome and is very satisfactory to me. The weak Vivaldi won the strong Chrome.
The strong are not always right. The same goes for other things.
オンライン配信の数週間前に、WebブラウザをGoogle ChromeからVivaldiに切り替えました。Chromeは起動が遅く、イライラしていたためです。体感的にはVivaldiの方が、Chromeよりはるかに早く、非常に快適です。弱者のVivaldiが強者のChromeに勝ちました。