
June 24, 2023:MS Office2013, Subscription, Switch to Office365 (MS Office2013, サブスクリプション、Office365に切り替え)

     I have still been using Office2013, including Access. I bought it at least about ten years ago. Microsoft encourages users to use the latest subscription version in light of Office2013. It will end support for Office2013 within a year. It does not work with Windows11, either.
     Office365 Home, a subscription version of MS Office, is attractive to me. It has Access, a database software I need for my work. It enables me to try Teams, a business chat tool. Further, it allows me to upgrade OS to Windows11. It provides me with a lot of good things. However, I am still hesitant to use the subscription version since it requires me to pay monthly fees.
     I have a company PC. But it is too low-performed and small to be of my use. It always frustrates me. Therefore, I have used a PC with Office 2013 I bought at my expense. However, I no longer pay for it out of my pocket.

 ボクは、いまだにOffice 2013を使っています。10年以上前に、自腹で買いました。マイクロソフトは、Officeの最新版、特に、サブスクリプション版に乗り換えて欲しいのでしょう。後1年でサポートを終了するそうです。更に、Office2013はWindows11に非対応です。

