
October 30, 2022: Disability Pension(障害年金)

I read the article on the disability pension that Meecyan-san posted on October 21, 2022. I have a bitter memory of it, too. I learned from it that I would get nothing if I did not take action. 
I had a hip replacement twenty-five years ago. As a result, I was left disabled and entitled to a pension. But nobody told me that. Thus, I did not know about nor apply for it until recently. 
But my wife recently found that I might be entitled to it. After she quit her job, she started reading websites about disability pensions. They are very complex to read and understand. If I were she, I would have given it up at once. But my wife was used to such documents and spent a great deal of time reading them. As a result, she was sure that I was entitled to it. Then, she went to the nearest office of the Japan Pension Service to reconfirm it. It confirmed that I was eligible for it and asked her to submit the necessary documents. After that, my wife and I struggled to complete the documents. We had to visit the surgeon and the hospital where I was for the surgery. Finally, I filed them and received an official notification from the Service.
However, I was so late in applying for it that I had to waive my right to receive the pension for the past two decades. It was the biggest mistake of my life. It is frustrating!


