April 10, 2022:娘の結婚、余韻、これからの人生、エクササイズ (My Daughter's Wedding, Afterglow, Rest of My Life, Exercises)
First of all, I thank all the readers of the articles on my daughter's wedding. I am also grateful for their heartwarming messages.
I am still basking in its afterglow. It was the happiest event in my life, and probably, I will never have such a wonderful one in the future.
From today, I must change my mind and do my best to live on without bothering the couple and my boss. I am determined to continue stretching exercises and walking every day for my health. And, to keep my mind young, I continue to post English articles on Note and learn English.
I am now learning English grammar with the Oxford English Grammar Course. It is the best since it is like a workbook of Practical English Usage and has many exercises.
今、英文法の勉強をしているのですが、「Oxford English Grammar Course」がお勧めです。これは、参考書の「Practical English Usage」の問題集のような文法テキストです。解説が非常に分かりやすく、問題が多い点が魅力です。