
January 3, 2022:The Economist、修理する権利、紛争 (The Economist, Right to Repair, Conflicts)

  I read the Economist, a UK magazine, for the first time in a few years. It has a wide variety of articles. The most interesting one was about the right that allows consumers to fix their electronic devices. The right to repair movement gains power in Europe and the United States. It will shortly reach Japan since it has discarded many electronic devices. It is a waste to discard electronic products without repairing them.
The magazine also suggests that we will see more conflicts around the world. Among them, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is of particular concern. They have taken the lives of so many people and wasted money. It is a waste to use such precious resources for conflicts.

 数年ぶりに、英国の雑誌「The Economist」を読みました。豊富な内容さは変わりません。雑誌の中で興味深い記事は、「修理する権利」に関する記事です。欧米では、個人が電子製品を自由に修理する権利を与えようとする動きがあります。電子廃棄物が多い日本にもこの動きは到来します。電子製品を修理もせずにすてるのはもったいないです。

