
April 13, 2022:円安、150周年、ユーロ、通貨統一(Weak Yen, 150TH Anniversary, Euro, Currency Unification)

 The Japanese yen has been weakening and hit a six-year low against the dollar on April 12. It has caused a stir. Many experts say that it is not as strong as before due to the decline of the Japanese economy. This year is the 150th anniversary since it became a legal tender in 1871 and may mark a turning point for the currency.
 Legal tenders in other countries or regions have faced various changes. Among them is the birth of the Euro in Europe which was the most impressive change. In 2002, it went into circulation in continental European countries like Germany, France and the Netherlands. It was just twenty years ago. Before that, each country had its legal tender like the German mark, the French franc, the Italian lira and the Dutch guilder.
 Travelling on business around Europe was costly and time-consuming at that time. I always had to change my money into the local currency at each airport.

