
January 22, 2022:トンガ、BBC、NHK (Tonga, BBC, NHK)

 The undersea volcano near the island nation of Tonga erupted. The volcanic ashes cover the country, hampering planes from landing and hindering communications. Accordingly, it is difficult for the outside world to get a picture of the situation in Tonga.
 News media around the world have reported a lot of news about it. Among them is a BBC news article I noticed. It has several pictures with a button in the middle. Dragging it allows me to see the difference in Tonga between before and after the eruption. It is easy to compare. BBC's news is always easy to read and understand.
 BBC is now under attack. The UK government announced that it would review the current system under which BBC has collected license fees from households in the UK. It questions the system amid the rise of Netflix and Prime Video.
 The same thing may shortly happen to NHK. It is also under attack by a political party. I had seldom watched its TV programs until around 20 years old. However, as I get older, they become increasingly important to me. NHK has provided attractive dramas and news programs.

