June 9, 2022: Massage, Pain around Left Hip Joint, Effect of YouTube (マッサージ、左股関節周りの痛み、YouTube効果)
It is about time for me to have a massage at a clinic after a long absence. I have recently been suffering from pain around my left hip joint. I have difficulty tensing my left leg to walk, which causes me to walk unstable.
But the Internet greatly helps me ease the pain. I found it over the Internet and on YouTube that massaging around my hip joint and hip would ease the pain. While watching YouTube videos, I am now trying all about massages. So the pain is gradually getting away. Before I began it, I had not known about the iliopsoas muscle and had to learn where it is and how to massage it on YouTube.
I found again how great the Internet and YouTube were. They have helped me try various measures to ease the pain without seeing a doctor. I also found the powerful effect of massage. If I fail to ease the pain with my own massaging, I will go to a massage clinic.