
December 7, 2022: COVID-19 Vaccination (2), My Wife, My Daughter and Son-in-Law(ワクチン接種(2)、ボクの妻、娘とお婿さん)

My wife was vaccinated, too. It was her third shot. It gave her such severe side effects as when she had the second one. She had no fever but had bloody urine. So, she saw her home doctor for a prescription and recovered from it in a few days. According to her, she had a sign of cystitis. It seemed to be worsened by the vaccination.
As soon as the side effects receded, she resumed her daily life. A few days ago, she went to Shinjuku, Tokyo, to meet her friends. It was the second or third time since the COVID-19 outbreak. Since then, they have had few chances to see each other and have been looking for it. This time, they managed to meet since they were all vaccinated recently. They also had a concern about when they could meet again when they missed this time.
My daughter and son-in-law were also vaccinated. She had no side effects, but he had a high fever. The side effects remain to vary from person to person.

副反応も収まると、妻はまた活動を開始しました。数日前には、新宿まで友達に会いに行きました。コロナでなかなか会う機会がなかったですが、友達もワクチンを接種したとのことなので、会おうという話になったようです。また、これから感染が拡大すると予想されることから、この機会を逃すといつ会えるか分からなくなるとの判断もあったようです。 気持ちはよくわかります。

