January 8, 2023: Studying Mathematics, My School Days(数学の勉強、学校にいた頃)
I received the English textbook for math. The first part looks not so difficult, and I can manage to solve the problems. But the more I study it, the more difficult the book is to understand. The time may come when I cannot understand it or solve problems. But I will never give it up.
I am studying the basics of mathematics that middle school students learn. I am so weak in math. It was when I had begun to learn volumes and shapes at an elementary school that I failed to follow the class. Math was nothing but pain in middle school. The less I studied it, the more I could not understand it. Mid- and end-term tests were miserable. But I worked for it hard in my first year of high school as I wanted to take exams for national universities. But there was no progress or improvement. My math remained poor, and I gave up studying math. It was a waste of time for me to spend time on it.
I study math for the first time in forty-five years.