August 16, 2022: Failed to Get Rid of a Summer Cold, Same as in My Childhood (夏かぜ治らず、子どもの頃と同じ)
Obon holidays will be over before I get rid of a summer cold. I still have sneezing and runny noses sometimes. It frustrated me. But I will have gotten rid of it tomorrow, which is a working day. It has always happened to me. When I was a child, it was always on weekends or days off that I got a fever. When I got a fever on a Sunday, I went to bed with anticipation of missing school on Monday. But when I woke up on Monday, the fever was gone, and I had to go to school. It will happen this time, too. I have a weird body.
夏カゼが直らないうちにお盆休みが終わってしまいそうです。いまだに、鼻がグスグスと調子が悪いです。悔しい! でも、仕事を再開する明日になると、カゼも治っているはずです。昔から、熱が出るときは終末か休みの日でした。日曜日に熱出たときなどは、月曜日は学校を休めるかと密かに期待して寝たモノですが、翌日になると熱は下がり、学校に行かざるを得ないことがよくありました。今回もきっとこのパターンでしょう。不思議な体です。