August 11, 2021: 暑くて眠い(Extremely Hot and Sleepy)

 It has been extremely hot since yesterday. In particular, a hot wind blows into my room through a window in the afternoon. As I cannot stand the hot wind, I’m forced to close the window. Further, I get sleepy and cannot focus on what I should do. During the first two hours in the afternoon, I always work on what I should do while I am falling into a doze. However, it is strange that I fully wake up after the lapse of the two hours in the afternoon and thereafter I never have any drowsiness. This is one of experiences of my life without an air conditioner. Whenever a hot wind blows in, I am tempted to use an air conditioner. But I still manage to spend the hot afternoon without using an air conditioner and I will continue the life to the extent that I don’t get a heat stroke.

