January 27, 2022:ライフシフト2、変化への対応力、ブルガリア (Life Shift 2, Ability to Respond to Changes, Bulgaria)
I am now reading ‘Life Shift 2’ (the New Long Life). It suggests that we have to enhance our ability to respond to changes. We have usually studied hard at school, worked hard and retired. However, we cannot spend a coming new era as we have lived. As technology evolves rapidly and people live longer, we will face significant changes more often. The book advises us to make an ideal plan and continue to learn based on it.
I agree with the points. Since I retired, I have always thought about what I should do for the remaining twenty years since I seem to live at least eighty years old. It is sometimes fun and sometimes not to think about my future.
I remembered what my Bulgarian customer murmured. He had difficulties surviving a rat race under capitalism and missed the old socialism. Bulgaria transitioned to capitalism from socialism when the Soviet Union disintegrated.
I seems to face a similar situaiton..
今、「Life Shift 2」を読んでいます。これからは、変化への対応力が求められそうです。今までは、学校で一生懸命勉強した後に、就職し、定年を迎えて人生を終えていくのが一般的でしたが、これからはこんな訳にはいかないようです。技術が進み、長生きするようになると大きな変化に直面する頻度が増えます。その変化に対応するには、どんな人生を生きたいかを考え、それを達成するために学び続ける必要があるようです。