
March 15, 2022:4Kテレビ、鮮明画像、大画面 (4K TV, Sharp Images, Large Screen)

  I received a new 4K TV at last and promptly turned it on. I was impressed by the sharp and beautiful images on the TV. It has a 40-inch screen and is slightly be larger than the old one. But, it looks bigger than its actual size since it has no frame. I can also enjoy YouTube and Amazon Prime with easy operation by connecting with WiFi. 4K videos on YouTube were mind-blowing. The larger TV screen makes me more excited.
 I found that old things have no value.

 ついに、新しい4Kテレビが来ました。早速、スイッチを入れました。画像の鮮明さに驚きです。画面のサイズは、以前のテレビより若干大きい40インチです。でも、画面に余計な縁がないため、大きく感じます。また、Wi-Fiにつなぐと、YouTubeやAmazon Primeが簡単に見ることができます。YouTubeの4K動画は圧巻でした。大画面は最高です。

