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1. ワクチン接種の有無にかかわらず、すべての死亡者(265,982人)。
2. ワクチン未接種者(104,134人)。
3. 初回接種から21日以内の死亡者(18,653人)。
4. 初回接種後21日以上経過してからの死亡(73,833人)。
5. 2回目の投与から21日以内の死亡者(11,652人)。
6. 2回目の投与後21日以上経過してからの死亡(57,721人)。
Statistics published by the Office for National Statistics on the 13th of September 2021, deaths by vaccination status in ENGLAND, between the 2nd of January and 2nd of July 2021, are as follows;
1. All deaths regardless of vaccination status (265,982);
2. Unvaccinated (104,134);
3. Deaths within 21 days of first dose (18,653);
4. Deaths 21 days or more after first dose (73,833);
5. Deaths within 21 days of second dose (11,652).
6. Deaths 21 days or more after second dose (57,721).
One Hundred sixty six thousand, eight hundred and fifty nine people have died between the 2nd of January to the 2nd of July 2021 in England, either within 21 days of the first and second dose, and after 21 days of the first and second dose.