フリーダムコンボイ26日目/Recap of Day 26 of the Truckers for Freedom Convoy
Truckers for Freedom Convoyの26日目、2人の抗議行動主催者がオタワ警察に逮捕され、オタワのダウンタウンが検問で閉鎖され、クリスティア・フリーランド副首相が、輸送船に寄付をしたカナダ国民の口座を政府が凍結したことを発表しました。
BREAKING: Freedom Convoy protest organizer Chris Barber got arrested in Ottawa as he was walking down the street. https://t.co/oFSoJ2ez4I pic.twitter.com/6Itq8ypRKR
— Yanky 🐊 🚚🚛🚜 (@Yanky_Pollak) February 17, 2022
BREAKING: Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich arrested
— Yanky 🐊 🚚🚛🚜 (@Yanky_Pollak) February 18, 2022
MORE: https://t.co/d2vV2oK9Qc pic.twitter.com/uG2htM2WbG
フリーダムコンボイのツイッターによると、クリス・バーバーに対する罪状は、"counselling to commit mischief, obstruction, and counselling to commit obstruction" で、タマラ・リッチには "counselling to commit mischief" のみの罪状がかけられているそうです。
Update on Chris Barber and Tamara Lich arrests.
— FreedomConvoy2022 (@rFreedomConvoy) February 18, 2022
Chris Barber has been charged with:
*counselling to commit mischief
*counselling to commit obstruction
Tamara Lich has been charged with:
*counselling to commit mischief
Ottawa police arresting a Freedom Convoy protester. pic.twitter.com/inZheBYJ3x
— Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) February 18, 2022
Crowd chants “freedom” while The Final Countdown blasts and police drive away the person they arrested. They walked into a crowd and plucked him out seemingly deliberately. No idea why or who. pic.twitter.com/RrnyFp9r04
— Andrew Lawton (@AndrewLawton) February 17, 2022
BREAKING: Convoy protesters are linking arms in the downtown core of Ottawa to prevent more police arrests. pic.twitter.com/LbhICyEe1u
— Efron Monsanto 🇨🇦🚜🚛 (@realmonsanto) February 18, 2022
Convoy protesters near Parliament have created a human chain to stop the police from arresting the last Trucker on this street.
— Alexandra Lavoie (@ThevoiceAlexa) February 18, 2022
MORE: https://t.co/VfgKKYKzKr#Emergency Act pic.twitter.com/pX0beBmJOB
Government overthrow in progress. pic.twitter.com/S9Yfxh85vN
— Andrew Lawton (@AndrewLawton) February 17, 2022
Despite organizer arrests, convoy protesters are still out in the evening as the snow comes down. Chicken wings on the menu in the mess tent. pic.twitter.com/AeBYJETnq9
— Andrew Lawton (@AndrewLawton) February 18, 2022
This is traffic in Ottawa now. Tons of road closures including major routes like Portage Bridge, Alexandra Bridge, Sir John A Macdonald Pkwy and Queen Elizabeth Driveway.
— Cosmin Dzsurdzsa (@cosminDZS) February 17, 2022
Police are moving to set their perimeter around Centretown and to erect 100 checkpoints #FreedomConvoy2022. pic.twitter.com/o1EhSDDoub
Justin Trudeau: "We're not suspending fundamental rights."
— Andrew Lawton (@AndrewLawton) February 18, 2022
Ottawa police: "You can expect to see police checkpoints where you will be asked your reason for travelling within the Secured Area. You will be required to show proof of exemption for your travel to the Secured Area." pic.twitter.com/p1DHfoBrGY
警察によって閉鎖された主なルートには、Portage Bridge、Alexandra Bridge、Sir John A Macdonald Pkwy、Queen Elizabeth Drivewayなどがあります。
「保護区域には、抗議行動に参加するなどの違法な理由で保護区域に入ろうとする者がダウンタウンの中心部に入れないように、警察が常駐する100近いチェックポイントがあります 」と述べた。
Interim Ottawa Police Chief says a "secured area" is being created downtown with almost 100 police checkpoints, and that those attempting to enter for "an unlawful reasons such as joining a protest" will be turned away. pic.twitter.com/75EiL5pOEP
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) February 17, 2022
Here’s a look at the secure area OPS are setting up. 100 checkpoints through according to police.
— Colton Praill (@ColtonPraill) February 17, 2022
Bronson to the canal, Queensway to Parliament #Ottawa #OttNews pic.twitter.com/IJTj2UCjoE
Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland: "The names of both individuals and entities as well as crypto wallets have been shared by the RCMP with financial institutions and accounts have been frozen and more accounts will be frozen." pic.twitter.com/iA69DbRJl1
— True North (@TrueNorthCentre) February 17, 2022
“The consequences are real and they will bite,” Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland warns freedom convoy protesters. pic.twitter.com/yys8UjRCDc
— True North (@TrueNorthCentre) February 17, 2022
Truckers for Freedom Convoyの主催者が設定したGivesendgoは、この記事が掲載されるまでに9,627,720米ドルに達しました。