



昼食が出来上がる頃、妻よりメッセージが入り、『20分位で帰るよ』 とのことでした。

20分程してから次男に、『お母さんが帰ってくるよ』 と伝え、窓で外を見ていいることを提案しました。

「I want to mammy」と次男は良いながら、キッチンと窓辺の方を行ったり来たりしていました。
何度も何度も「I want to mammy」と言いながらキッチンを出たり入ったりするので、キッチンから窓の方をみると、ブラインドは閉まったままでした。



言葉数が少ない次男なりに、「I want to mammy」という言葉を連発し、『迎えに行こう』と言いたかったのでは無いかと推測しました。


Surprised by my second son's idea

The photo shows my shoes placed haphazardly at the entrance.

On this day, my wife, I, and my second son went out in the car together. My wife had an appointment at the ophthalmologist's office and had gone grocery shopping for the week in the morning, so we decided to drive her to the ophthalmologist's office since we didn't have much time before the appointment.
However, my second son did not know that my wife was the only one to get out of the car.

After dropping my wife off at the ophthalmologist's office, my second son and I went home to make lunch for the three of us, including my first son.
When lunch was ready, I received a message from my wife saying, "I'll be home in about 20 minutes.

About 20 minutes later, I told my second son, "Mom is coming home," and suggested he stay at the window and look out.

I heard some rumbling, so I thought he was opening the blinds to look out.
"I want to mammy," my second son said, pacing back and forth between the kitchen and the windowsill.
When I looked at the window from the kitchen, I saw that the blinds were still closed.
I looked for where my second son was, and found him at the front door, arranging my shoes again and again.

The shoes in the photo are the ones that were haphazardly arranged at that time.

My second son's idea was that since my second son and I had driven his mother home, I should put on my shoes and get in the car to pick her up.

I guessed that he wanted to say "I want to mammy" in his own way.
If he hadn't had a language delay, he would have been able to express himself with words, but he tried to communicate somehow by using objects in addition to words. I was able to feel another small, small growth.
