To where you have to reach (2) Explanation / 到達すべき 場所へ (2) 解説
(from Pooh Cat Isle)
Explanation of the previously posted image
I wonder if not a few of you thought the image of the last article were unclear and boring... but if you look closely, you will see that two of color guard are running with beautiful form and fast speed, uncharacteristic of instruments players. [*1]
前回の記事の画像を、不鮮明でつまらないものだと思った方が少なくないかも知れません。 よく見ると、カラーガード隊の2名が、楽器奏者らしからぬ美しいフォームと速さで走っていることが分かるとは思いますが。[*1]
That and this image are from "Sing, Sing, Sing!" performance scene from the U.S. tour in late 2011 and early 2012, and I consider that one to be one of the remarkable performances in the band's history, by several senses.
The following one is a capture from another video of roughly the same scene as the Image of the last article, shot from roughly the same angle. However, this one is a few seconds earlier, so one of two is still holding up her flag. Yes, they have not yet entered into the sprint. Yet, you can see their upper body bending backward and they are about to shift to a forward leaning posture.
次の画像は、前回の投稿画像とほぼ同じ場面をほぼ同じアングルから撮影したもので、別の動画からのキャプチャーです。 ただし、こちらは数秒前の場面のため、二人のうち一人はまだ旗を掲げています。そう、まだ疾走に入っていない段階です。それでも、上半身が後ろに反り返り、前傾姿勢に移行しかけているのは分かると思います。
As indicated by the arrows in the first image(=Image2), they ran through from the front row of the widely deployed formation, bypassing the sides to near the back row. They then switched their flags to larger ones, which had been prepared at the feet of the percussionists, and boosted the music and dance of their allies from the rear.
最初の画像(=Image2)に矢印で示した通り、彼等は、広く展開した隊列の最前列から最後列近くまで、側面へ迂回しながら駆け抜けました。 その後、打楽器隊の足元に準備してあった大きな旗に持ち替えて、今度は後方から、仲間たちの音楽とダンスを盛り立てました。
The distance between the sidelines of a football field is 160 feet (≒49 meters) , as you may know. And they went outside the 20-yard line for a dozen yards or so.
フットボール場のサイドライン間の距離は、ご存知のように、160フィート (約49メートル) です。そして、彼らは20ヤードラインの外側を十数ヤードにわたって進みました。
By my estimate, the distance they ran at that time was at least 72 yards(≒64meters) at the shortest, and some who had been in charge of the middle may have been 80 yards(≒73meters) or more.
And, they completed that trip in about 13 to 15 seconds.
What do you think of this "time" which they recorded?
I recognized, of course, that they had moved quickly and widely― with flagpoles longer than their own height in their hands. But to be honest, I was surprised to see such a time and such a distance when expressed numerically.
私はもちろん、彼らが素早く、そして大きく移動したことは認識していました――自分の身長よりも長い旗竿を手に持ったまま。 しかし、それを数値として表すと、このようなタイムとこのような距離になることに気づいて、正直なところ、驚きました。
Since they were on the big stage of such a big event, they must have planned their performance with some leeway, and in fact, there appeared to be some leeway in their running (except for a few seconds), I mean that this was a "reasonable and steady time" for them.
あれほどのビッグ・イベントの晴れ舞台ですので、彼等の演奏&演技のプランはある程度の余裕をもって立てられていたはずです。そして実際、彼等が走っている様子にも余裕が見られます (数秒間を除いては) 、つまり、これは彼らにとっては「無理の無い、着実なタイム」だったということです。
Besides, let me write again, just to make sure there is no misunderstanding, they are music players, too, and they are by no means specialists in dancing or running. The color guard team is just an internal role of the brass band club, so all of them play instruments except when marching.
しかも、誤解が無いようにもう一度書きますが、彼らもまた音楽プレーヤーであり、別にダンスや走りが専門というわけではありません。 カラーガード班は吹奏楽部の内部の役割に過ぎないため、彼等も全員、マーチングの時以外は楽器を演奏しているのです。
written by Pooh Cat
(ⓒ2022 Pooh Cat CH & Isle)
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( #Kyoto #Tachibana #marching #brassband #SingSingSing
#京都橘 #吹奏楽部 #マーチング #PoohCat #Poo-Cat )