(6) Do not overlook, the moment / 見落とすな その一瞬を (6)
(from Pooh Cat Isle)
This is a video of the cross-step, slowed down to 1/4 of its original speed.
Am I the only one who feels that every moment is truly beautiful?
All the joints of the lower body, including the groin, knees, ankles, soles, and toes, flex and extend flexibly and rhythmically, creating a truly springy action.
Conversely, their trial-and-error process to make all joints work as "shock absorbers" may have resulted such a beautiful form and style.
I hope you will watch it over and over again. The original video is only few seconds long. But there are a number of points worth noting.
For example, they must continue to devote their upper body, especially the head and both arms, to the musical performance. In short, they are not allowed to move at all. Not at all. In fact, you can see that they don't move even a bit.
This is actually the crux of two of the three issues I declined to explain in previous article, i.e., Part 5 due to my lack of time. One is the issue of maintaining balance, and the other is the issue of the embouchure.
・ ・ ・
I intended to end this series of articles with this one.
I edited this video to summarize and conclude the article.
However, I realized that having you watch it has made it easier for me to explain the two subjects I just mentioned.
Moreover, unfortunately, the lead author, Pooh Cat, is still unable to return from his illness, even though it has been five months already.
(しかも残念なことに、主筆の Pooh Cat は、いまだに病気から復帰できません。もう5ヶ月も経つのに。)
Since this is an opportunity, I will extend the series and mention those two, although only in outline.
written by Poo-Cat
(ⓒ2023 Pooh Cat CH & Isle)
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