The Sakura Parade has Returned! / 帰って来た さくらパレード!
( from Pooh Cat Isle )
On March 21, 2023,
the "Kyoto Sakura Parade" was held
for the first time in FOUR YEARS.
2023年 3月21日、
4年ぶり に開催されました。
The performance in the square was cancelled due to rain, but the marching under the arcades took place, and a local TV station has now sharing on YouTube the cheerful and bright smiles of the students.
Here, we present the videos and publish two images captured & edited from them to celebrate the return of the parade.
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"Sakura" is a Japanese word meaning cherry blossom or cherry tree. Kyoto enter the beautiful cherry blossoms season after the parade.
The school year in Japan starts in April and ends in March. Therefore, Japanese people often imagine the blossoms as a symbol of entrance into school, graduation, meeting and parting, and so on.
In the band, too, the Sakura Parade marks the last street marching memory for the 2022 year. In addition, it must have been even more impressive for third-year students since it was only experienced once due to the pandemic. They… retired after their regular concert on March 25 and 26.
京都橘バンドにおいても、さくらパレードは2022年度の最後の街頭マーチングの思い出となるでしょう。しかも、パンデミックにより一度しか体験できなかった3年生にとっては、いっそう印象深いものとなったに違いありません。彼らは‥‥ 3月25 & 26日に行われた定期演奏会の後、引退しました。
written by Poo-Cat
(ⓒ2023 Pooh Cat CH & Isle)
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( #KyotoTachibana #brassband #marching #京都橘 #吹奏楽 #マーチング #SakuraParade #さくらパレード #PoohCat #PooCat )