Beauty is not to seek; it comes naturally / 美は求めるものではない 具(そな) わるものだ
(from Pooh Cat Isle)
Beauty is not something to be sought to acquire;
something that comes naturally.
美しさは 追い求めて 得ようとするものでは ない。
おのずから 具わるものだ。
We would like the band
to treasure more the passion coming from their hearts
than neatness in appearances and music.
私達は あのバンドに 願う
心から湧き上がる情熱を 大切にして欲しい と
外面や音楽面の 端正さよりも。
Just as their predecessors once did.
彼等の先人たちが かつて そうであったように。
・ ・ ・ ・ ・
As many of you know, this is a re-edited version of the image that is also used as the thumbnail of the video on our YouTube channel.
ご存知の方も多いと思いますが、これは私達の YouTube チャンネルの動画のサムネイルにも使われている画像を再編集したものです。
However the video is unlisted by us for a long time due to advertising issue.
Pooh Cat, the administrator of the channel, has been ill for almost 8 months now. I love his review accompanying the video, which contains the same sentiments as the main point of this article.
チャンネルの管理人の Pooh Cat は、もう8ヶ月近く病床にあります。私はその動画に添えられた彼のレビューが大好きです。そこには、この記事の主旨と同じ気持ちが含まれています。
Although both sites have been stagnant due to my lack of time, I hope to reprint it here in the near future.
written by Poo-Cat
(ⓒ2023 Pooh Cat CH & Isle)
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