《Reprint/復刻》Our Message for the Video Dedicated to ALL-JAPAN MARCHING CONTEST 2021 (全日本マーチングコンテスト2021 に捧げた動画に添えたメッセージ)
(from Pooh Cat Isle)
In the first 24 hours, it had over 10,000 views. At 48 hours, 586 "like" ratings, which ratio was over 95%. 95% is a bit on the low side for a video on our channel, but considering the copyright issues involved, it was more than we expected. / 最初の 24 時間で1万回再生超過。48時間時点での「いいね」が 586で、95%超の比率でした。95%という数値は私達の動画としては少し低い方でしたが、著作権問題を考慮すれば予想以上の評価でした。
1. THE TEXT / 本 文
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【Dedicated Edit】
“El Día Que Me Quieras” / 『想 い の 届 く 日』
Performed by KyotoTachibana S.H.S Band
We dedicate this originally edited short video to express our respect and gratitude to all of you who made this great contest a success in spite of all the hardships in the midst of the ongoing disaster of the new corona-virus.
新型コ ロナウイルスの災禍が続く中、様々な困難にもかかわらずこの素晴らしいコンテストを開催・成功させてくださった皆さんへの敬意と感謝を込めて、この短い独自編集の動画を捧げます。
The performances of all the bands were amazing, and we were truly moved by the splendor of the music and the marching, as well as the splendor of working together toward the same goal.
It was due to the hard work and efforts of countless people, not only the students and school staff, but also the organizers, competition officials, copyright holders, staffs of video, audio, streaming, public relations, venue, security, and cleaning, etc.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of you who worked on the All-Japan Marching Contest 2021.
( If the rights holders consider this is too much of a violation of their rights to overlook, then so be it. We will not dare to fight it.
In addition, we do not monetize our channel in any way, but if this video starts to show ads by YouTube, we will delete it or switch to unlisted videos within a month, as we have done with all our other videos. WE continue to OPPOSE the use of videos of HIGH SCHOOL CLUB ACTIVITIES for COMMERCIAL Ads.
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Why We Chose This Scene
We could, of course, have chosen from other band scenes, or something more typical scene of this band. However...
The title of this song is "El Día Que Me Quieras", which translates to "The Day You Love Me", but, we believe that the band has chosen this song not just as a love song, because they often use the titles and lyrics of the songs to convey their message to the audience.
この曲のタイトルは『El Día Que Me Quieras』、直訳すると『あなたが私を愛する日』です。しかし私達は、彼等がこの曲を単なるラブソングとして選んだわけではないと考えています、なぜならこのバンドは、曲名や歌詞に聴衆へのメッセージを込めることが頻繁にあるからです。
Many of you may remember that they really jumped into the air in the middle of "Sing, Sing, Sing" in 2015 contest, yes, in which they started their performance with "(Air)Planes". And in the case of this song, in Japan, it is titled means "The day my heart reaches you" and is known by that.
For them, "The day my heart reaches you" could meant one thing, of course, that they would win the gold award, but it could also mean more than that, it could mean "the day our hearts reach to the audience", in other words, "the day the marching contest is held" itself, we think.
The Osaka Castle Hall had been many of empty seats due to the general public being not allowed to enter, however, it seemed to us that they were solemnly thanking toward the heavens through that song that 'the day' had come truly, indeed. Also, the movements of the color guards waving plain white flags reminded us of the 'mai' (dance) of 'miko' (shrine maidens) with white fans, rather than dancing. So, we interpreted that the performance would be an expression of gratitude to all the people who made it possible to hold the contest in the midst of hardshipsーof course, this is based on the assumption that their theme for this year, "Soar on Wings," is also taken into account.
大阪城ホールは、一般客の入場禁止により空席だらけでした。しかし、この曲での彼等は、「その日」が本当にやって来たことを天に向かって厳かに感謝を捧げているように感じられました。また、白無地の旗を振るカラーガードの動作も、ダンスというよりむしろ白い扇を持った巫女の「舞い」を思わせました。つまり、このパフォーマンスには、困難の中でコンテストの開催を可能にしてくれたすべての人々に対する感謝が表現されている、と私達は解釈したのですーーもちろん、彼等の今年のテーマ『Soar on Wings』を踏まえていることも前提の上で。
This is a long story, but I'd like to close with one more, by quote from the lyrics of this song.
El día que me quieras
no habrá más que armonías,
será clara la aurora
y alegre el manantial...
The day you love me
there will be nothing but harmonies,
the dawn will be clear
and the spring will be joyful...
El día que me quieras
endulzará sus cuerdas
el pájaro cantor,
florecerá la vida,
no existirá el dolor...
The day you love me
will sweeten its strings
the singing bird,
life will blossom,
there will be no pain...
人生は 花開き
苦しみは 消え去るでしょう...
Thank you very much for reading.
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2. POSTSCRIPT IN 2022 / 2022年の追記
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About This Document / この文書について
Why Are We Republishing This? / なぜ復刻するのか?
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< About This Document >
The video which is described herein was produced as a dedication to all those that worked on the "All Japan Marching Contest 2021", which was managed to hold for the first time in two years, due to the pandemic of a new virus, and was released on our YouTube channel on November 28, 2021.
It does not exist now because it was removed 50-odd hours later due to a copyright claim from the rights holder. What you see here is a screenshot captured 48 hours after the video was published, as well as the full text of the message which was in the description section.
The text had written using all up the 5,000-character limit of there. According to the writer, he had to cut down nearly 1,000 of characters from the draft, so he even reduced the number of reading marks in the end and finally got it in. To make it easier to read, here we have bolded some parts of it, and so on.
本文は、説明欄の制限文字数である 5,000字をすべて使い切って書かれていました。執筆者によると、草稿から1,000字近くも削らなければならなかったため、最後は読点の数まで減らして、やっと入れることが出来たそうです。ここでは、読みやすくするために、部分的に太字にするなどしてあります。
The video is 1 minute and 16 seconds long, captured, quoted and edited from a video uploaded on a major video site. It was originally a live stream that was paid for online, and you can see it is also mentioned in the text itself that it may be the subject of a claim of copyright violation.[*]
動画は 1分16秒の長さで、大手動画サイトに投稿されていた動画をキャプチャーし、引用・編集したものでした。それは元々はオンライン配信された有料の実況動画であり、それが著作権侵害の申立の対象になるかも知れないことはこの文中でも言及されているのが分かります。[*]
[*] : Besides, following that, a 2:30-minute video excerpt of the performance of "Sing,Sing,Sing!" from the 2007 contest video was also forcibly removed from our site. It happened while we were posting a series of articles on the performance titled, "The Historic 'Sing Sing Sing!' in 2007", on the channel's community page.
We are considering also reprinting the statement we issued in response to that, in which we questioned how copyrights should be enforced on videos of high school students' club activities.
[*] : なお、それに続けて、2007年のコンテスト動画から『Sing, Sing, Sing!』の演奏を抜粋した 2分30秒の動画も削除されました。それは私達が『2007年の歴史的 "Sing, Sing, Sing !"』 と題した演奏レビュー記事をチャンネルのコミュニティーページで連載している最中のことでした。そのことに対して私達が出した声明文ーー高校生の部活動の動画に関する著作権行使のあり方を問いかけたものーーも、復刻することを検討しています。
< Why Are We Republishing This Today?>
なぜ私達は 今日 これを復刻するのか?
The reason we are republishing this message today is because we believe it still retains a certain significance as a review of the Kyoto Tachibana High School Band's performance, and of the 2021 contest which closed successfully under the pandemic.
In addition, regarding this October 2022 tour in Taiwan, it has recently become known that originally, the invitation to the band was actually for the 2021 ceremony, not the 2022 one. This means that the program and performance for the 2021 contest may have been designed to be played at also that location. Therefore, we considered that it necessary to add the fact to our interpretation at that time.
In other words, "The Day You Love Me," or the Japanese title "The Day My Heart Reaches You", may have had another meaning added to it.
In addition, when we realize that, maybe we can better understand the program of the piece they played that day. Yes, the song before this was a march, and its title was "Hands Across The Sea".
また、そのことに気がつくと、あの日に彼らが演奏した曲のプログラムがよりよく理解できるようになるかも知れません。 そう、この曲の前の曲は行進曲で、そのタイトルは『Hands Across The Sea』(海を越える握手) でした。
Of course, there may have been no special meaning or intention.
"The Text" was written by Pooh Cat,
"Postscript in 2022" was by Poo-Cat,
all translations to Japanese were done by Yu Na'.
「本文」は Pooh Cat、
「2022年の追記」は Poo-Cat が執筆、
日本語への翻訳はすべて ユ・ナ’ がおこなった。
(ⓒ2022 Pooh Cat CH & Isle)
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3. Author Addendum / 執筆者による補遺
Author Addendum to the 2021 Message
Today, Dec. 9th 2022, “#1” was released. (本日12月 9日、#1 を公開。)
<Notes / 注釈>
Due to the very positive reception of this reprint, the author himself has decided to write down the addendum.
He was in the process of writing a series of articles for the PoohCat channel community about the band's performance program for this October 10 overseas ceremony, which, as you know, is the same as the program for the 2022 contest. However, the new information revealed that it may be highly relevant to the program of the 2021 contest, so we decided to deal with this first in terms of the timeline.
(彼は、先日 10月10日 の海外セレモニーの際のあのバンドの公演プログラムについて、Pooh Cat チャンネルのコミュニティに一連の記事を書いている最中だった。それはご存知のように、2022年のコンテストのプログラムと同じだ。しかし、新たな情報により、それが2021年大会のプログラムとの関連性が高い可能性があることが判明したため、時系列の観点からこちらを先に扱うことになった。)
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( #KyotoTachibana #marching #brassband #TheDayYouLoveMe #ElDiaQueMeQuieras #想いの届く日 #京都橘 #吹奏楽部 #マーチング #演奏レビュー #全国大会 #2021 #PoohCat #PooCat #YuNa #ユ・ナ )#####