(4) Do not overlook, the moment / 見落とすな その一瞬を (4)
(from Pooh Cat Isle)

(1フィートもの 素早い屈伸 )
The time interval between the two images I showed you last time was 0.5 to 0.6 seconds.
Due to such a rapid movement, the weight of one's own body and that of the instrument rushes down on the lower half of the body at once, while accelerating.
( 前回ご紹介した2枚の画像の時間間隔は、0.5~0.6 秒でした。
However, they guys must immediately resurface again. And it must not be done roughly by force. For they are not mere dancers.
The change in magnitude and direction of kinetic energy in your body and instrument must always be as gradual as possible, i.e., without impact. Unless this is done successfully, the possibility of combining dancing and playing a wind instrument will never be achieved.
How can this be done? It can be done when you are able to making the joints of your whole body function like springs.
(どうすればいいのでしょう? あなたが全身の関節をバネのように機能させることが出来た時に、その可能性を獲得できます。)
In addition, in the case of this step, horizontal and rotational forces can be generated by the motion of crossing the legs widely, but you must prevent both of which. In other words, as a whole, all forces must converge only in the vertical direction, which must be absorbed by all the joints of your body, just like a spring.
Needless to say, the heavier and larger the instrument, the more difficult this demand is.
The deeper you squat, the greater the physical strain, but that is not all. The more you do so, the more difficult it becomes to keep your heels on the floor, so you have to stand on your toes. This means that despite the increase in kinetic energy, the ground contact area with the floor will decrease.
(深くしゃがめばしゃがむほど、身体的負担は大きくなります、しかも、それだけではありません。そうすればするほど、踵(かかと) を床につけておくことは苦しくなり、爪先(つまさき) 立ちにならざるを得なくなります。つまり、「運動エネルギーは増加するにもかかわらず、床との接地面積は減少してしまう」ことを意味します。)
So if you can't counteract horizontal forces well, you increase your chances of slipping. For players of heavy instruments, that is dangerous because it can lead to sprains, falling over, breaking the instrument. And most importantly, it can ruin the team's performance. 、
Really, it is only a momentary act, but it hides various difficulties. All of this is due to the fact that they guys are not mere dancers. Yes, they must all start playing the instrument in forte after only two beats. I will mention that next time.
To be continued.
written by Poo-Cat
(ⓒ2023 Pooh Cat CH & Isle)
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