
《Songs》“El Becko” Jeff Beck in memory of / 追悼 ジェフ・ベック

(from ROCK & Music Isle)

Geoffrey Arnold "Jeff" Beck

(24 June 1944 – 10 January 2023)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He lived through his entire life
with his heart and soul
in the tune of his guitar.
氏は 自らの心と魂を
ギターの調べに 注ぎ込み
 生涯を 生き通した。

His proud and independent way of life
has given us
great encouragement.
その 誇り高く 自立した生き様は 
大きな勇気を 与えてくれました。

We extend
our sincere thanks to him
pray for his soul rest in peace.
心からの 感謝とともに
 ご冥福を お祈りします。

“El Becko”

 Guitar: Jeff Beck
 Keyboards: Tony Hymas
 Bass:  Mo Foster
 Drums: Simon Phillips
 Written by Tony Hymas, Simon Phillips.
From the album "There and Back" released in 1980.
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The Slideshow
Conceived by Rock & Music Isle
Produced under the cooperation of Pooh Cat Isle
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ROCK & Music Isle 
 〔 ⓒ2023 Nomadic Republic CatFishBird Isles 〕

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( #ElBecko #JrffBeck #ジェフベック #エルベッコ #RockIsle #CatFishBirdIsles #NomadicRepublic # #遊牧共和国 #猫魚鳥諸島 # # )
