(7) Do not overlook, the moment / 見落とすな その一瞬を (7)
(from Pooh Cat Isle)
(▼The same video as in the last post / 前回記事と同じ動画です)
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There are a number of things worth noting in the brief video. However, not many viewers pay attention to the upper bodies of the performers, do they? That's understandable, because there is very little moving in the upper body.
But I want to draw your attention to that in itself. Yes, to not moving.
(この短い動画にも、注目に値する点がいくつもあります。 とはいえ、演奏者達の上半身に注意を払う視聴者は多くはないのではないでしょうか? 無理もありません、上半身には、動きがほとんど見られないからです。しかし、私はそのこと自体に注目して欲しいのです。そうです、動いていないことにです。)
Now, let me write first about the "embouchure issue".
(では、まず「アンブシュアの問題 」ついて書きます。)
Please focus your attention on the flute player on the right. This is because the flute is the most visually understandable about the subject. That is all the reason. The video is 1/4 speed version, but I recommend you watch it with the speed set further to half, i.e., at 1/8.
(右側のフルート奏者に注目しながら見て欲しいのです。なぜなら、この件についてはフルートが最も視覚的に理解しやすいからです。理由はそれだけです。 この動画は1/4スピード版ですが、更に半分の速度に設定して、つまり1/8スピードで視聴してみることをお勧めします。)
You will surely find that the position of the performer's mouth is unchanged, in relation to the instrument, its angle, and its blowing hole. In addition, the performer does not move her cheeks nor her chin, i.e., the lower half of her face, at all. More to the point, even the shape of the lips has not changed at all, although it is difficult to tell in this picture quality.
[=吹き穴] との関係において変化していないことが分かるでしょう。それに加えて、演奏者は頬も顎も、つまり顔の下半分を全く動かしていません。さらに言えば、この画質では分かりにくいのですが、唇の形さえ全く変わっていません。)
This is the maintaining of the embouchure.
In the case of the flute, it is not uncommon for beginners to be unable to produce any sound at all before pitch. This is because the instrument requires that the thickness and angle of the air stream blowing into the hole be kept correct at all times.
For most wind instruments, you blow in through the mouthpiece or reed. On the other hand, with the flute, you blow air directly from your mouth into the hole.
Therefore, the air stream have to be tuned to the proper thickness and angle by the player by yourself to generate the sound. How? By making your oral cavity and lips into a right shape.
(ほとんどの管楽器は、マウスピースまたはリードを介して息を吹き込みます。他方、フルートの場合は、口から歌口へ直接空気を吹き込みます。そのため、音を発生させるには、演奏者が自分で空気流を適切な太さと角度に調整しなければならないのです。どうやって? 口腔と唇を正しい形にすることによってです。)
And, no sound is produced if the angle is offset in any direction, up, down, left, or right.
Different instruments have different mouthpieces etc., and different ways of blowing air into them, and therefore different embouchures. However, the point is the same: if you fail to maintain embouchure, you will not be able to play the correct pitch or tone.
That is what I want to say here.
written by Poo-Cat
(ⓒ2023 Pooh Cat CH & Isle)
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( #KyotoTachibana #Kyoto #Tachibana #marching #brassband #SingSingSing #CrossStep #交差ステップ #OrangeDevil #オレンジの悪魔 #embouchure #アンブシュア #京都橘 #吹奏楽部 #マーチング #PoohCat #PooCat )