Those “Devils”... (4) / あの「悪魔」たち... (4)
(from Pooh Cat Isle)
”Now, let's go!”
「さあ 行くぞ!」
The steel doors were opened.
As I watched the backs of you all scatter into the arena,
I realized even after all this time just how small your bodies are.
アリーナへ散ってゆく後ろ姿を 見送りながら
私は 今さらながら あなたたちの身体の小ささを 痛感した。
Dare I put it simply,
just a bunch of high school kids you were, as well.
あなたたちだって ただの高校生の集まりに過ぎない。
No matter how well trained you had been, naturally,
your legs and arms could never have been more than those of girls.
どんなに鍛え上げたと言っても 当然 脚も 腕も
女子のもの以上であろう筈も なかった。
However, even trombones were in the left hands of the students
who raced off with huge snail-like instruments on their shoulders.
なのに 巨大なカタツムリのような楽器を背負って駆け出す
生徒たちの左手には トロンボーンまで握られていた。
“Oh, please give them the best performance...”
「ああ どうか彼らに 最高の演奏演技をさせてやって下さい…」
I prayed secretly.
私は 密’(ひそ) かに 祈った。
Yes, at that moment I prayed to God,
そうです あの瞬間 私は思わず 神様に祈ったのです
for the “devils“.

written by written by Pooh Cat & Poo-Cat
(ⓒ2024 Pooh Cat CH & Isle)
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