Interview Article: What is the most Inspired Career Fly in Japan for international IT engineer at Diverta -vol.3
An interview with an international business person who makes own career at Japanese company as being a professional business expert.
The interview theme is [My Career Fly].
What is the motivation to work for them? Spotlight their career vision and motivation for work itself.
Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Want to get more challenging experience and keep learning about technology
CF : What are your future plans?
A : My objective is to get Japanese permanent residency which will give me the freedom to live and do whatever I want. I really like Japan, I've studied Japanese language and it became my second home. So I want Japan to always welcome me without having to worry about a new visa every time.
L : Same here. I too wish to get a Permanent Residency in Japan. I came here as a student and have invested so much by learning a language and picking up the culture. I want the freedom to explore more countries and then come back to Japan again whenever I wish.
For me now Japan has become my home. When I go back to Malaysia my friends have to be my tour guide. I am more familiar with places in Japan than in Malaysia.
CF: What are your corporate goals?
A : Always stay in touch with modern technologies, continuously polish my skills and expand my knowledge. As long as the company is providing me the liberty to play with new technologies and be creative in my daily work, I am happy.
L : My final goal is to start a company of my own, although I’m still not clear on what kind of company it will be. I wish to work in different countries and technologies. I knew programming and electronics before university and decided to study Robotics be-cause it was something different. I believe in going beyond my comfort zone and exploring new areas.
CF: Do your family & friends want to come to Japan too?
A : Yes, my friends come every year. About the family, as long as I'm an independent and self-sustaining adult (which I am), they are happy.
L : My family is also satisfied and happy that I am living and working in Japan.
What’s your strength? Grow it and take a step to be how you want to be!
CF: What is your advice for future candidates who wish to work in Japan?
A : If you dream about a good career in engineering in your country or abroad, you need solid technical skills. These are best acquired when young, at school/university but also at personal projects. Focus on being curious, learning and trying technologies. Your future employer will notice your skills. Don't try to fill your CV with buzzwords but explain what you are good at.
If you dream about working in Japan (or any other country), my best advice is to not drop out of school and push to get your diplomas (they do matter). After graduation, armed with proper skills you can apply and get a job quite easily - especially in Japan. Some companies require the language though.
For instance at Diverta, when we interview people, we don't care about candidate experience - most important is what the person is able to do, his potential. You need to show your employer that you have the ability to engineer.
L : If you want to go abroad to study or work, just do it! Don’t think it’s impossible.
When I tell people I study or work in Japan, they think I did something miraculous that no normal person could do! But no, I am just an average person who believed in dreams and acted upon them. So, if you have a dream to go abroad just do it and start working on it.
Mr. Low Ker Li & Mr. Artem from Diverta and Rich from Career Fly
Career Fly
HR agent in Japan. Located in the heart of Tokyo; We support International women who are looking for their career to take off in Japan. Our business is recruitment/headhunting. Our strengths positions are IT engineer, global HR, and global sales.