
REVIEW : Matthew Bourne's New Adventures' "Romeo+Juliet" Japan tour 2024

New Adventures' Japan tour 2024 "Romeo+Juliet" started on 10th April, 2024 in Tokyu THEATRE Orb, Shibuya, Tokyo and ended on 21st. This production is choreographed and created by the artistic director Sir Matthew Bourne, who also founded the company.
I had the opportunity to watch this amazing performance 7 times, and each time, I was both satisfied and moved to tears. The dancers' energy and the unique choreography combined to create an unforgettable experience.

After experiencing the beauty and sensuality of "Romeo+ Juliet", I found myself pondering how Sir Matthew Bourne could create such a magnificent stage. His ability to generate so many ideas, create countless innovative stages, and transform them into works of art is truly remarkable. I have the utmost respect for him.
His stages are always brimming with love, bringing joy to those who watch. I believe one reason Matthew can consistently create stages that evoke such warmth in the audience is because he himself is blissful.

Additionally, there is a very long famous kissing scene in "Romeo + Juliet," unexpectedly brought back memories of my first kiss with my love dearly, a moment filled with pure happiness. Matthew himself mentioned about the kiss scene in an interview, and it struck me that perhaps his ability to portray love so convincingly stems from his own happiness and numerous joyful memories of kisses. I felt his happiness is what allows him to be considerate of others around him.
Matthew Bourne's contentment grants him the clarity of mind to be empathetic towards those in his sphere. I could speculate on many sources of Matthew Bourne's creativity, but one undoubtedly springs from his own happiness, I surmise.

"Romeo + Juliet," performed by the young and talented dancers of New Adventures, reflects Sir Matthew Bourne's pursuit of reality within the story. Their realistic performances left a strong impression and were truly memorable. The first night's lead pair, Paris Fitzpatrick and Monique Jonas, delivered an amazing performance. Paris portrayed a pure and naive Romeo, while Monique's Juliet exuded calm yet undeniable strength. Rory Macleod's portrayal of Mercutio was both energetic and emotionally impactful.

Paris Fitzpatrick and Monique Jonas were the main role at the Japan premiere 10th April, 2024

Among my favorite cast of "Romeo + Juliet" were those by Rory Macleod and Hannah Kremer. Their performance was sweet yet filled with poignant sorrow, leaving many in the audience in tears. In Matthew Bourne's adaptation, dancers often take on multiple roles. Harry Ondrak-Wright adeptly portrayed both the playful Mercutio and the timid, nerdy psychiatrist, convincingly embodying two distinct characters within a single show.

Rory Macleod and Hannah Kremer, 14th April, 2024

Jackson Fisch, renowned for his portrayal of Balthasar in the original cast, also danced Romeo alongside the vibrant Bryony Pennington in Tokyo. Jackson's expressive movements conveyed a deep love and eagerness for Juliet, despite his restrained emotional expression. Bryony's impactful gaze sometimes appeared stern, revealing her underlying anxiety about their fate.

Jackson Fisch and Bryony Pennington, 18th April, 2024
