
live on tick-ツケで格好つけてもしょうがねえだろうがよ

This is DJ klassan on da show.
これはDJ Klassan、ショーの時間だ!

Aww yeah, mic check 1-2, 1-2! We ’bout to drop some real knowledge on y’all with today’s phrase—live on tick!
オーイェー!マイクチェック、ワンツー、ワンツー!今日は"live on tick"ってフレーズでリアルな知識をお届けするぜ!

This ain't your everyday slang, but straight from the streets of old-school British lingo.

"Live on tick" means living on credit, borrowing cash, stacking up debts 'cause you ain't got the funds to pay upfront.
"Live on tick" ってのは、つまりツケでやってくってこと。前金で払えるキャッシュがねえから、借金を積み上げてやってくって話だ。

"Tick" is short for "ticket," which used to mean credit in the old days.
"Tick" は "ticket" の略で、大昔はクレジット(信用取引)って意味だったんだ。

You know how it is—buy now, pay later, but the bill always comes due!

Man, he stay fresh in designer clothes, but we all know he just livin’ on tick.

Now let’s bring the heat with a cold truth from the past.

You ever heard of The Great Depression (1929-1939)?

Oh yeah, that was the world straight-up livin’ on tick.
そう、あの時代は世界全体が"live on tick"状態だったんだ。

Banks were handing out loans like candy, folks were buying stocks on margin (a.k.a. borrowed money), and then BAM!

The stock market crashed, and debt crushed lives like a heavyweight champ.

Lesson? Ain’t no such thing as free money, homie.
教訓? タダで手に入る金なんて存在しねぇんだよ、ブラザー。

Now, let’s get in the face of history.

Yo, Wall Street fat cats, y’all let the world live on tick and then bounced when the check came due?
おい、ウォール街の金持ちどもよ!お前ら、世界を"live on tick"にさせといて、ツケが回ってきたらドロンか?

Nah, we ain’t forgetting!

And we close out today’s session with a track that vibes with the lesson.

Check the nice little note by klassan about Bank of England moving its operation from city of London to Leeds.
