相手を褒める時に使える英語集。良い親御さんに育てられたんですね。Your parents did good job on you. How can I say in different expressions?
Your parents did good job on you. How can I say in different expressions?
Here are some different expressions you could use to say that someone's parents did a good job in raising them:
"You were raised well by your parents."
"Your parents did an excellent job in raising you."
"Your parents should be proud of the person you've become."
"You have a great upbringing to thank for your positive qualities and successes."
"You are a testament to your parents' hard work and dedication as parents."
"Your parents deserve credit for instilling positive values and morals in you."
"You are a reflection of the love and support your parents gave you growing up."
"Your parents laid a solid foundation for your success in life."
"You were blessed with parents who taught you well and guided you in the right direction."
"Your parents provided you with the tools to become a happy, successful, and well-rounded individual."