
Bridging the Gap in Education for the Learners in Rural Areas(教育格差を解消するための取り組み - 地方の学習者への支援)

この記事は、Brighture の講師が書いた英語エッセイです。今回は Alma によるエッセイです!

Being raised in the province, I witnessed firsthand every circumstance that children faced, especially due to inadequate learning opportunities and resources. It is undeniable that in some rural areas, access to education is often limited, and the learners encounter challenges that kids in the cities might never experience. As cited by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies, an important issue facing the education system in the Philippines is the lack of resources and infrastructure in many schools, especially in rural areas.

地方で育った私は、子どもたちが直面するあらゆる状況、特に学習機会や資源の不足を目の当たりにしてきました。地方の一部地域では、教育へのアクセスが制限されていることが多く、都市部の子どもたちが経験しないような課題に直面していることは否定できません。フィリピン開発研究所(Philippine Institute for Development Studies)によると、フィリピンの教育システムが抱える大きな課題の一つは、特に地方の学校における資源やインフラの不足だと言われています。

A recent report released by the Second Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM 2) in the Philippines in January 2024 highlights issues related to school infrastructure and learning resources. According to the report, over 10,000 public schools in the Philippines lack basic amenities such as electricity, and many are critically short on necessary learning materials. This scarcity impacts educational quality, especially in rural areas where access to resources is already limited.


While studying in elementary school, I remember the books we had were torn and worn, frayed, and faded from years of use, yet they were still readable. Pencils were a precious commodity, and I would use mine until every last bit of graphite was gone, sharpening it down to the tiniest stub. Glue was a kind of luxurious item, and it was mostly unavailable. We had to improvise using a sticky grain of rice to patch things together, especially when working on our paper projects. On top of that, I recall my father used a bamboo stick to create a makeshift ruler when I did not have one.


At an early age, I learned that poverty could easily be a barrier to success. However, our determination and effort to make the most out of what little we had kept us going. Despite the odds, I am living proof that perseverance can triumph over unfavorable circumstances.


These experiences have inspired me to create The Olive Community Initiatives, a non-profit organization with the goal of providing educational support to students in the rural communities, especially in my own community, who have limited support and access to tools that are essential for their learning and development.

このような経験から、私は非営利団体「The Olive Community Initiatives」を立ち上げました。この団体は、農村地域、特に私の地元のような学生たちに、学習と成長に必要な支援を提供することを目的としており、支援を受ける機会が限られている子どもたちに、教育の道を開く手助けをしています。

You might be wondering what the significance of “olive” is in founding this organization. According to Olive Grove, a garden center based in the UK, olive trees are well known for their ability to thrive in a challenging environment. They are equipped to handle drought, sub-zero temperatures, frost and even fire. Olive trees are extraordinarily resilient.

「olive(オリーブ)」がなぜこの組織の創設に重要なのか疑問に思うかもしれません。イギリスの Olive Grove という園芸センターによると、オリーブの木は過酷な環境でも強く生き抜くことができることで知られています。干ばつや氷点下の気温、霜、さらには火災にも耐える能力を持っています。オリーブの木は非常にたくましいのです。

In like manner, the children we aim to support are full of potential, despite the adversities they face. Their hope shines through as it is reflected in the smiles on their faces. Thus, the organization I established seeks to cultivate their abilities and potentials, providing them with the necessary resources to grow, learn, and contribute to a brighter future.


We focus on several key initiatives aimed at enhancing the learning environment for students in rural areas:


Providing School Supplies:
As many children in rural areas go to school without enough of the basic materials needed to participate in their lessons, we aim to equip them with notebooks, pencils, and other school essentials. By ensuring that each one of them has proper tools, we hope to eliminate one of the major barriers to their education.


Volunteer Teaching Programs:
Some teachers in rural schools often face overwhelming workloads, sometimes they teach multiple grades in the classroom. We aim to alleviate  this burden by encouraging volunteers to conduct workshops, provide supplemental lessons and assist in creating more interactive and engaging learning experiences.


Financial Assistance:
Many families in rural areas struggle to make ends meet or even afford the cost associated with schooling such as allowances. By offering financial assistance to students in need, we can ensure that they can continue their education without interruption. Even a small contribution can make a significant difference in a child’s ability to attend the school regularly.


Basic Educational Facilities and Libraries:
In the future, we hope to fund the construction of learning centers in rural communities where these resources are scarce. Having a dedicated space where students can read and expand their knowledge can transform their educational experience.


Now, are you ready to be a catalyst for change and transformation? If you are considering starting similar non-profit activities, here are some recommendations to keep in mind:

さて、あなたは変革のきっかけとなる準備はできていますか? もし、同じような非営利活動を始めたいとお考えの方がいらっしゃれば、次のポイントを参考にしてみてください。

Start small:
Begin addressing the specific needs and concerns of your community. Small efforts can collectively grow over time to have a larger impact.


Engage the community:
Connect with local volunteers, leaders, and other relevant sectors to understand challenges and opportunities. Building relationships results in better solutions.


Collaborate with others:
Partner with businesses, government agencies and non-profit organizations to share resources and broaden your impact and support.


Stay consistent:
Regularly assess and adjust your initiatives to meet evolving community needs.


Document and share stories:
Record progress and success stories to inspire others and highlight the significance of your work.


Overall, the journey to bridge the gap in education for rural learners is challenging but it is also immensely rewarding. By taking steps to address these disparities, we are empowering the children to dream, grow, and build a brighter future for themselves and their communities.


At The Olive Community Initiatives, we envision a world where every child has a fair chance to learn and succeed. If you are inspired, join us in this mission. Whether by volunteering, contributing or simply spreading the word, your involvement can have a profound impact in changing the trajectory of these children’s lives. Together let’s make a difference!

「The Olive Community Initiatives」では、すべての子どもたちが公平に学び、成功する機会を持てる世界を目指しています。もし、この活動に共感いただけましたら、ぜひ私たちの活動に参加してください。ボランティアでも、寄付でも、またはただこの活動を広めることでも、あなたの関わりが、子どもたちの未来に大きな影響を与えることができます。一緒に、変化を起こしましょう!

Our first outreach program

The Olive Community Initiatives の活動はこちらからご覧いただけます。




witness firsthand - 目の当たりにする、実際に経験する
inadequate - 不十分な、足りない
undeniable - 否定できない、明白な
cited - 引用する、例示する
scarcity - 不足、欠乏
improvise - 即興で作る、工夫して対応する
barrier to success - 成功への障壁
perseverance - 忍耐力、根気
resilient - 回復力のある、はね返る
adversities - 逆境、困難
catalyst for change - 変化を促す
collaborate - 協力する、共同して取り組む
evolving community needs - 進化する地域社会の要望
trajectory of lives - 人生の軌跡

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この記事を書いた Alma のレッスンも受けられます。
