
Quantum Chronos-Adventure Simulation Protocol (QCASP) - 第三弾「動物を助けに行くぞ!」ターミナルじゃねーじゃんVer.

[Game Initialization]
Title: "JUNGLE FOLLY: An Animal Rights Misadventure"

[Game Characteristics]
1. Display: 40 columns, uppercase text only, green on black background
2. Parser: Two-word commands (VERB NOUN), e.g., "GO NORTH", "TAKE BANANA"
3. Save System: None - write down your progress with pen and paper!
4. Graphics: ASCII art for title screen and key scenes

[Game Introduction]
You are DR. PETA HUGALOT, an overzealous animal rights activist. Your mission: to educate the indigenous people of the Amazon about animal welfare. Little do you know, you're about to embark on a journey filled with misunderstandings, ironic twists, and lessons from the very animals you seek to protect.

[Game Start]
Display the following title screen:
