(English Follows)
その人混みをぬけ、「No Sightseeing Today!」と書かれた張り紙のある扉を開けて、中に入った。聖体拝領(パンと葡萄酒のアレ)を見にきたのだ。というより、その後に催されるヘルシンキ市の自治会のパーティに知人がエストニアの踊りで出演するので、お呼ばれしたのだ。
December 8, 2024
Not What I Expected?! Finland’s Independence Day (Part 2)
This time, let’s shift gears and talk about something light and cheerful. (Personally, I wish politics could be lighter and cheerier too.)
In my previous story, I left the demonstration midway and headed to Helsinki Cathedral, the city’s most famous tourist attraction. In the Senate Square right in front of it, a Christmas market was in full swing, bustling with people—most of them tourists.
Wading through the crowd, I slipped into the cathedral through a door with a sign that read, “No Sightseeing Today!” My goal was to witness the Holy Communion (the bread and wine ceremony) inside. But the real reason I was there was because I’d been invited to a Helsinki City community event where a friend of mine was performing a traditional Estonian dance.
I took a seat in a corner, listening to the priest’s sermon while scanning the crowd for my friend. However, the cathedral was too vast, and there were too many people. Then, I noticed her standing at the entrance, wearing a traditional Estonian costume for her upcoming performance. She waved energetically, and I stood up to meet her, opening the door to step out of the pew.
Unluckily, just as the priest said, “Amen,” the sound of the door creaked loudly through the otherwise silent church. Heads turned toward us—an Asian man standing awkwardly face-to-face with a woman in Estonian attire in the middle of the sacred ceremony. At perhaps the most solemn moment of the Mass, we had inadvertently stolen the spotlight. (It might sound exaggerated, but I swear to God, it’s true.)
Thankfully, the service resumed smoothly, and the choir began to sing. They performed two songs with lyrics rooted in Christian tradition but with modern pop-style arrangements, which felt oddly mismatched against the cathedral's grand setting.
After the Mass, we exited the building, walked down a slope, and re-entered through a side entrance at the back of the cathedral. In its underground hall, there was a spacious area for gathering, where we moved next. At the entrance, we were handed wine and gingerbread, along with some light snacks. Gluten-free and vegan options were available, which felt very Finnish to me.
While waiting for the choir’s performance, I chatted with other attendees. Then came the dance. The women dressed in Estonian costumes performed a quiet, soft, and graceful dance that exuded a sacred aura.
When I got home, pizza, Christmas pastries, and glögi (Finland’s version of mulled wine—though alcohol-free, more like a juice) were laid out. My host mother and a friend’s partner, who had already arrived, were glued to the TV. They were watching the President’s Independence Day Reception, a long-standing tradition that dates back to the early days of the republic (or so I heard—there have been interruptions like wars and the pandemic).
This event gathers notable figures from various fields, politicians, and ambassadors at the Presidential Palace, where they shake hands with the president and their partner one by one. It lasts about three hours with breaks, and you might wonder, “What’s so entertaining about that?” But watching a procession of famous faces feels a bit like a parade of Avengers. Plus, critiquing the glamorous outfits from the comfort of one’s living room is apparently part of the fun.
That said, the focus is largely on the women’s attire, as tuxedos don’t vary much. There’s been some criticism about how this results in only women being scrutinized.
Still, I had my personal highlights. For instance, when former Prime Minister Sanna Marin appeared. While the locals were abuzz with gossip about the scandalous politician who preceded her, I couldn’t help but react with an “Oh wow!” given her fame in Japan.
Another memorable moment was when a male politician from a party known for its anti-immigrant and discriminatory policies arrived with a Black male partner. Similarly, a female politician reputed for her misogynistic and discriminatory views appeared with a female partner. I couldn’t quite grasp how they compartmentalized their work and personal lives.
There were also poignant moments, like watching the outgoing leader of a defeated party or a former president pass by—it was unexpectedly moving, even for someone like me, who had little knowledge of Finnish politics.
The handshaking concluded around 9 p.m., followed by a buffet, interviews, performances, and ballroom dancing. The dance scenes are famously kitschy, and my friend quipped, “It’s like rich people forced to dance at a community center.” (Her personal opinion, of course.)
Apparently, most people turn off the TV once the dancing starts. We did the same, switching to board games late into the night.
And that’s how I experienced Finland’s Independence Day.
Next time, I’ll share about pikkujoulu, the “Little Christmas” parties that happen before Christmas.