


(English Follows)






12/1~ 上海経由でヘルシンキ着。ヘルシンキのファミリーAの家にステイ。
12/5~ ヘルシンキのファミリーBの家に移動。
12/13~ ヘルシンキのファミリーCの家に移動。
12/27~ ファミリーAの家族行事(スキー旅行)に参加。
1/4~ ファミリーAの家にステイ。
1/9~ 夜行フェリーでスウェーデンに移動。
1/10~ ストックホルムのファミリーD、その家族の家などにステイ。
1/18~ ノルウェーに移動。北部トロムソに移動しホテルに宿泊。
1/21~ ロフォーテン諸島のホステルに宿泊。
1/23ごろ~ ボーデ経由でベルゲンへ。ベルゲンのファミリーEの家にステイ。
1/28ごろ~ オスロのファミリーFの家にステイ。
1/31ごろ~ ヨーテボリ、マルメ、コペンハーゲンを周遊
2/7~ イスタンブールにトランジットで滞在
2/9 帰国

地球の歩き方編集室編・A29 地球の歩き方 北欧 デンマーク ノルウェー スウェーデン フィンランド 2021~2022
朴沙羅著・ヘルシンキ 生活の練習はつづく。
ブレイディみかこ著・ぼくはイエローでホワイトで、ちょっとブルー 2

フランツ・カフカ著 、頭木弘樹編・決定版カフカ短編集
パウロ・コエーリョ著・マクトゥーブ An Inspirational Companion to The Alchemist
Berlitz・Swedish Pocket Dictionary

Travel Notes: Helsinki 1
December 7, 2024

Falling in Love with Winter in the Nordic Countries

I’m currently in Helsinki, the capital of Finland, staying in an apartment with a wonderful host and five cats. On December 6th, the country’s Independence Day, the weather was overcast, and the landscape was completely white. It’s freezing cold outside, but unlike Japan, there’s no bone-chilling dampness. Indoors, the central heating keeps it warm enough to wear light clothes, though in the corners of this somewhat spacious home, I occasionally need to throw on a jacket.

Helsinki’s latitude is relatively low, so there’s no polar night, but the sun doesn’t rise until 9 a.m. and sets as early as 3 p.m. The northern lights are a rare sight here. For the next three months, I plan to experience daily life by staying in various homes across Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, aiming to venture further north along the way.

Feeling a bit lost about "life"—both in the sense of daily living and the broader journey of existence—I decided to embark on this solo trip. A friend in Helsinki said, "You’ve chosen the darkest and most melancholic time of the year to visit." Indeed, when researching the Nordics online, I was met with images of shimmering summer landscapes and praise for their exemplary social welfare systems.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, my wife introduced me to a YouTube channel capturing Nordic family life, and I found it captivating. Over time, living in the Nordic countries became a shared dream for us.

But hold on—surely no place on Earth is a utopia. Every country, through trial and error, has its systems, along with its unique struggles and challenges. I found the “darker” aspects far more intriguing than polished public images. I felt that venturing into the unknown might reveal something new to me.

Much like stumbling upon a book in a library or bookstore that unexpectedly resonates with your deepest thoughts, I hoped that living far from my usual environment, without any specific agenda, might clarify what I want to do in society—or even on this planet.

Right now, I’m an alien—a stranger in a foreign land. I’ve entered someone’s home, contributing no work, occupying space as a guest, and rummaging through their food supplies (though I buy my own when needed). I leave little financial impact on this society and don’t speak the local language (though English works). Yet there are people here who welcome someone like me, trusting me with their home and even their keys. I’m profoundly grateful for their courage and kindness. I also want to ensure that I impose as little as possible.

Already, I’ve had many realizations. I’m reaffirming that I want to share these experiences with words and some photos. If reading this inspires you to step away from your familiar surroundings and discover something new or find moments of connection, I’d be truly happy.

Reference: Tentative Travel Schedule

  • 12/1: Arrive in Helsinki via Shanghai. Stay with Family A.

  • 12/5: Move to Family B’s home in Helsinki.

  • 12/13: Move to Family C’s home in Helsinki.

  • 12/27: Join Family A for a skiing trip.

  • 1/4: Return to Family A’s home.

  • 1/9: Take an overnight ferry to Sweden.

  • 1/10: Stay with Family D in Stockholm and their relatives.

  • 1/18: Travel to Norway. Head to Tromsø and stay in a hotel.

  • 1/21: Stay at a hostel in the Lofoten Islands.

  • 1/23: Travel via Bodø to Bergen. Stay with Family E.

  • 1/28: Stay with Family F in Oslo.

  • 1/31: Tour Gothenburg, Malmö, and Copenhagen.

  • 2/7: Transit through Istanbul.

  • 2/9: Return to Japan.

