

https://www.astrosofa.com/horoscope/planets より。
タイトル画像は Time ▾ Price ▴ Research: The Geocentric Bradley Barometer │ Turning Points 2024 (time-price-research-astrofin.blogspot.com)より。株価の上下の予測ではなく、極値が変化日。

 We look ahead and see more aspects of aggression and the use of such means as murder, rape, and kidnapping as part of the “business model” by several world leaders as Chiron and the Lunar North Node conjoin (solar eclipse) in the sign of Aries in March-April. In a large number of cases, this erratic planetary cycle has coincided with recessions within nine months, sometimes very severe, as in the case of the 1930’s Great Depression. I don’t know if this will be a “big one” or not in 2024. I am more inclined to think it happens with the Aries Vortex in 2026 +/- one year, which is when the Lunar North Node gets to Aquarius-Capricorn (see discussion in Forecast 2024 Book).

 We have a cosmic conflict between the approaching Chiron/North Node/solar eclipse of late March or early April versus the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of April 21. The former has a strong correlation to recessions and longer-term stock market cycle lows within the following year, while the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction more often correlates with new all-time or multi-year highs sometime between the aspect date and the following year. We could see both. That is new all-time stock market highs into spring/summer, followed by a sharp decline and recession by the middle of 2025. The Jupiter/Uranus cycle can also correlate with new inflationary readings anytime between April and the end of the year   MMA FREE WEEKLY COLUMN FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING JANUARY 8, 2024 © - Merriman Market Analyst (mmacycles.com)  

 It’s all a cosmic prelude to Jupiter square Saturn. Markets have defied gravity, which is par for the course when it comes to Jupiter conjunct Uranus (April 20), which was followed by Jupiter (optimism) sextile to Neptune, and trine to Pluto (late May, early June 2024). Still, markets continue to defy as Jupiter transits into early Gemini over the same degrees that Uranus will hold when it trines Pluto in 2026-2028. This AI revolution is the centerpiece of the techno-renaissance discussed in my annual forecast books over the past three years. It’s what Nikolai Kondratieff termed the “communications revolution” that defines the long-term economic cycle named after him.  Yet even in this “New Aira” cycle (note: commenced at Jupiter/Saturn conjunction on 12/21/20 at 0° Aquarius), there will be pitfalls along the way. One (or two) of them is also due within the next five years. Quite possibly, the first comes soon as the “god of all things great” (Jupiter) finds itself not only posited in its detriment sign of Gemini but also about to begin a 10-month, three-passage series of square (hard) aspects to the “god of all things considered challenges and obstacles” (Saturn).  MMA FREE WEEKLY COLUMN FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING JULY 15, 2024 © - Merriman Market Analyst (mmacycles.com)


 The market continues to follow the trends of our seasonal and 4-year cycle patterns [...] In our July Outlook, we maintained our bullish outlook for 2024, but cautioned that the market was possibly due for some mean reversion (a pullback) once NASDAQ’s 12-Day Midyear Rally ended in mid-July. NASDAQ did top out on July 10 while DJIA and S&P 500 topped about one week later.  The market has recovered in line with Historical Election Year strength in August, but the correction is not likely over. With President Biden stepping aside our Open Field Election Year is back in play. This does not mean we are heading into the red for the year, but it does suggest the market may continue to struggle over the next few months during the seasonal weak period and leading up to this now more uncertain election. [...] Any potential September/October market weakness could set up a solid Q4, End-of-Year Rally, most likely beginning after Election Day [Tuesday, November 5, 2024⁩].  Time ▾ Price ▴ Research: 4-Year Presidential Election Cycle 1949-2020 vs 2021-2024 | Jeff Hirsch (time-price-research-astrofin.blogspot.com) August 19, 2024

 The weakest seasonal period of the year historically occurs in the second half of September. However, strong summers often push much of the traditional September weakness into October, specifically from October 18th to October 28th. During this period in the years with a summer gain of over 5%, the S&P 500 has averaged a loss of 2.53%, with a performance record of 4 gains and 19 losses.
 This period is followed by one of the strongest periods of the year, from October 28th to November 5th. In years with a summer gain of over 5%, this timeframe has averaged a gain of 2.61%, with a performance record of 21 gains and 1 loss. https://time-price-research-astrofin.blogspot.com/2024/08/s-500-seasonality-following-five.html  

青:seasonality of all the years since 1950
赤:seasonality, but only the last ten years
緑:seasonality of the years ending with 4 (2014, 2004, etc.)


 2024 May 26 (Sun) = High
 2024 Jun 11 (Tue) = Low
 2024 Jun 29 (Sat) = High
土星逆行 06/30~
冥王星逆行 05/03~

Jupiter Trine Pluto 9:11
Mercury ⚹ Neptune 12:55
Mercury Trine Pluto 15:09
Mercury Conjunction Jupiter 19:19
Sun Conjunction Venus 0:32
New Moon (Gemini) 21:40
Venus Square Saturn 17:24
Mars → Taurus 13:34
Sun Square Saturn 19:35
Mars Square Pluto 22:20
Mercury Square Saturn 19:46
Venus Square Neptune 12:45
Venus → Cancer 15:19
Mercury Square Neptune 16:41
Mercury Conjunction Venus 21:44
Sun Square Neptune 3:11
Sun → Cancer - Summer solstice 5:50
Mercury ⚹ Mars 1:25
Full Moon (Capricorn) 10:06
Mercury Trine Saturn 3:11
Venus ⚹ Mars 13:48
Saturn → retrograde 4:06


 米株:7/1~20 7/12~15 
 2024 Jun 29 (Sat) = Hig
 2024 Aug 19 (Mon) = Low
 2024 Aug 29 (Thu) = High
 2024 Sep 07 (Sat) = Low

海王星逆行 07/02
土星逆行 06/30
冥王星逆行 05/03~

 I won’t speculate at this time as to who might replace Biden (if he is even replaced), but I will say this: the period of time between the election and inauguration could be very chaotic. I can imagine a case where the outcome is unknown for some time and leads to a sudden spike in Treasury prices. MMA FREE WEEKLY COLUMN FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING JULY 1, 2024 © - Merriman Market Analyst (mmacycles.com)

 As exciting for traders as last week was, the end of this week and the next may be equally exciting and rewarding if timed well. Saturn and Neptune stations will now give way to the high-speed Mars/Uranus bullet train. Changes will happen fast – faster than most political and financial pundits expect. ・・・ Last weekend’s powerful Saturn and Neptune stations (June 29-July 2), which correlated with primary cycle or secondary lows in Gold, Silver, Copper, and Soybeans. Next weekend coincides with a powerful conjunction of Mars and Uranus in late Taurus, conjunct with the fixed star Algol, also known as the “Demon Star.” It is the second brightest fixed star in the heavens and is considered by ancient astrologers as one of the most ominous of all. Combining this legend with the nature of Mars (war, aggression, threats, heat) with Uranus (the “disruptor,” bearer of sudden surprises and shocks, such as earthquakes and natural calamities), and you have the ingredients for a potentially dangerous period for humankind. This can also translate into sudden and sharp reversals in several financial markets. In some cases, it may even lead to explosive breakouts in those markets that are near their all-time highs, like Gold and Copper.  With Uranus, you never know if a market will “break out” beyond support and resistance (Uranus doesn’t respect any boundaries) or reverse (Uranus loves to suddenly change its direction and disrupt any sense of comfort). Historically, if a market reverses under Mars/Uranus, the move could be sharp but not necessarily long-lasting. It does have a 75% frequency rate to primary cycles in U.S. stock indices, given an orb of 10 trading days. Furthermore, Uranus rules technology, so the action will likely be in that sector, with an interest in AI stocks, since they are “new” and Uranus is associated with that which is “original.”   MMA FREE WEEKLY COLUMN FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING JULY 8, 2024 © - Merriman Market Analyst (mmacycles.com)

 Yet even in this “New Aira” cycle (note: commenced at Jupiter/Saturn conjunction on 12/21/20 at 0° Aquarius), there will be pitfalls along the way. One (or two) of them is also due within the next five years. Quite possibly, the first comes soon as the “god of all things great” (Jupiter) finds itself not only posited in its detriment sign of Gemini but also about to begin a 10-month, three-passage series of square (hard) aspects to the “god of all things considered challenges and obstacles” (Saturn).  ・・・  Depression (Jupiter square Saturn, Gemini to Pisces) is not just a collective psychological state but can also be something connected to the economy and finances. In other words, the buoyancy present in the stock market today may disappear by this time next year and quite possibly between the first and second passages of the Jupiter/Saturn square (August-December 2024).  The top will happen first, probably triggered by a Mars transit. One is underway now with Mars conjunct Uranus and Algol. The next will happen August 14-19 when Mars conjoins Jupiter (in the sudden reversal sign of Gemini), square to Saturn (first passage), and also part of a T-square with Venus (finances and luxury), all under a Full Moon in a T-square with Uranus.   MMA FREE WEEKLY COLUMN FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING JULY 15, 2024 © - Merriman Market Analyst (mmacycles.com)

 It’s possible the four-year cycle crests are in, as described in our recent webinars. If so, the 15-26% decline is underway by November and possibly even by the end of next month. ・・・ The sudden severe reversal in global stock indices, as well as several commodities, concurrent with the last two MMA geocosmic critical reversal dates, does not bode well at the moment, given that long-term cycles are due. In bull market cycles, the most severe declines are always at the end of the cycle. Furthermore, the research of our MMTA3 students has shown, that these selloffs have a huge correspondence to times when Mars forms a hard aspect to an outer planet, especially when there are two outer planets in a major aspect simultaneously.  First off, this column and our subscription reports noted the Saturn and Neptune retrogrades of June 29-July 2 as a potential low from which rallies would commence in some financial markets, especially in Gold. That indeed happened in both Gold and Bitcoin. It then noted that these and other markets could suddenly reverse July 12-15, +/- 3 trading days when the Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction would unfold. That has now happened. In the case of stocks, this is the kind of signature we would look for when the 4-year cycle crest takes place. If not now, then the next one of August 14-19 +/- 1 week could be even greater. That is when Mars will conjunct Jupiter, and both will square Saturn. Venus will join these planets in a T-square then, too   MMA FREE WEEKLY COLUMN FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING JULY 22, 2024 © - Merriman Market Analyst (mmacycles.com)

 It was a stunning week in politics and financial markets as we navigate between the Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction of July 12-15 and the dual T-squares surrounding August 19, when Mars/Jupiter will be squared by Venus in opposition to Saturn. During the same week, the Full Moon will square Uranus. ・・・ Following their highs or secondary highs of the week surrounding the Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction of July 12-15 +/- 1 week, many global stock indices continued their hard decline into mid-week before starting powerful rallies to end the week. In Japan, for instance, the Nikkei index had plunged 11.35% from its all-time high of 41,426 on July 12 to a low of 37,611 on Friday. The tech-heavy NASDAQ had declined 10% between its all-time high of July 11 and the low of July 26. Our target has been a 15–26% decline from a 4-year cycle crest now due to a 4-year cycle trough due from August to November. So, we captured a good chunk of that on this first dive. And now begins the secondary rally as we approach Mercury turning retrograde a week from Monday on August 5. Will there be a second leg down, and if so, how much from this rally? MMA FREE WEEKLY COLUMN FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING JULY 29, 2024 © - Merriman Market Analyst (mmacycles.com)

Neptune → retrograde 19:39
Venus Trine Saturn 10:40
Mercury Opposition Pluto 16:29
Uranus semi-square True Node
Mars ⚹ Saturn 4:01
New Moon (Cancer) 7:57
Venus ⚹ Uranus 20:03
Mercury ⚹ Jupiter 23:30
Sun Trine Saturn 12:04
Venus Trine Neptune 23:31
Venus → Leo 1:18
Venus Opposition Pluto 23:11
Mars Conjunction Uranus
Sun ⚹ Uranus 22:59
Mars ⚹ Neptune 0:17
Mars → Gemini 5:42
Venus ⚹ Jupiter 5:42
Mercury Square Uranus 7:22
Sun Trine Neptune 12:24
Mars Trine Pluto 12:47
Sun → Leo 16:43
Sun Opposition Pluto 14:37
Sun ⚹ Mars 11:31 


 日経平均:8/2~5 8/16~19 8/30~9/3
 米株:8/16~19 8/30~9/2 
 為替:8/16~19 8/23~26 9/3
 米国債:8/2 8/16~19 9/3~4
 2024 Aug 19 (Mon) = Low
 2024 Aug 29 (Thu) = High
 2024 Sep 07 (Sat) = Low
 2024 Sep 14 (Sat) = High
 2024 Sep 19 (Thu) = Low
 2024 Sep 27 (Fri) = High

水星逆行 08/05~08/29
海王星逆行 07/02~
土星逆行 06/30~
冥王星逆行 05/03~

 So far, the decline in the DJIA is rather benign compared to the NASDAQ. The tech-heavy NASDAQ futures market has now lost approximately 12.5% from its all-time high of July 11. This is approaching our 16-26% decline target between August and November 2024. It could be there by the time Jupiter squares Saturn on August 19, +/- 10 days, a time band also discussed in this column, as well as our weekly and monthly subscription reports. It’s all part of the collective psychology of Jupiter (optimism), leaving the favorable confines of Taurus (assets) and harmonious aspect to Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, April through June, for the much more somber reality of Jupiter square Saturn (depression and loss of confidence), August 2024 through June 2025. The time between the first and second passages of this three-passage aspect is the most critical, which takes place August-December 2024. ・・・ The Trickster returns this week. Another Mercury retrograde cycle will be upon us, August 4-5, and lasting through August 28. Given the slew of hard aspects unfolding this month, you get the feeling that this Mercury retrograde cycle could be especially nasty for traders. ・・・ It may be wise to keep in mind that it is late in the four-year cycle. When markets make new highs late in a long-term cycle, declines are usually severe and very swift. There can be a mini-panic, especially if Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus are involved in aspects close to one another. This past Friday, August 2, was host to Venus square Uranus. On August 14, Mars will conjoin Jupiter. You will already be there astrologically, but on August 16-19, Venus and Saturn will form a T-square to the Mars/Jupiter conjunction, and on the same day, the Sun will square Uranus. ・・・ Markets could either break down, break out, or suddenly reverse. With Uranus combined with Mercury retrograde, you just don’t know which way the Trickster will twist.  https://www.mmacycles.com/free-weekly-forecast/mma-free-weekly-column-for-the-week-beginning-august-5-2024/

 Was that the 4-year cycle low in stocks last Monday, August 5, as Mercury turned retrograde? Anything is possible, and the Trickster (Mercury retrograde) has a modest correlation with primary cycles (slightly less than 60% frequency when given an 8-day orb). It could have also coincided with the double top on July 31 (three trading days before August 5) to the primary cycle crest that occurred July 11-18 in the U.S. markets. ・・・ Furthermore, geocosmic reversal signatures are approaching that have even stronger correlations to primary and greater cycles than Mercury retrograde. In fact, the longest planetary cycle of the year will have its first of three passages on August 19. This is when Jupiter will enter its first square to Saturn. This aspect also has a 60% correlation to primary cycles, but more importantly, these primary cycles are also 50-week or greater cycles within 10 trading days. It is very possible that the double top highs of mid-July and July 31 were the crests of the 4-year cycle. If so, there is another swing down below the low of August 5 looming ahead. A break of that low may create more panic than what was just witnessed.    Two upcoming periods stand out shortly that have powerful geocosmic signatures of reversals, even stronger than Mercury retrograde. The first is August 14-19, which, in addition to the first passage of Jupiter square Saturn, also finds Mars (with Jupiter) square Saturn, Venus square Jupiter, and Venus is also in opposition to Saturn, and then the Sun square Uranus. The Mars/Saturn square and Sun/Uranus square each have historical frequencies of 80 and 82%, respectively, to reversals in primary cycles within an orb of 10 trading days, often within only three. The primary cycle is more likely to be a trough, although it’s possible it could be an early crest in a new primary cycle that would then be down for the next 10-20 weeks.     The second geocosmic hotspot arrives during the Labor Day holiday weekend of August 30-September 4 when Uranus turns retrograde—and shortly after Mercury turns direct. When two planets as skittish as Mercury and Uranus change directions in close proximity to one another, chaos and mini-panics can ensue. Additionally, the historical frequency of primary cycles unfolding during a Uranus retrograde period is 77%. The takeaway from the cosmos is that a four-year stock market cycle low could happen by early September, especially if Monday, August 5’s lows are taken out before new 2-week or greater highs form first. MMA FREE WEEKLY COLUMN FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING AUGUST 12, 2024 © - Merriman Market Analyst (mmacycles.com)

  It started with Mars conjunct Jupiter on August 14 and with the Moon in Jupiter’s ruling sign of Sagittarius (Aug 13-15). The DJIA gapped up that day and, in fact, exhibited a “bullish island reversal,” which is usually a very bullish chart pattern (it’s a gap down previously that is then followed later with a gap up, and both gaps create a vacuum over the same price zone). August 15-17 finds the MMA Solar/Lunar Reversal App indicating a high. August 16-17 is the midpoint of this Mercury retrograde cycle, which often coincides with a price reversal +/- 2 trading days. Since the stock market is making highs now, you would anticipate that it would reverse down. However, given the bullish island reversal chart pattern and the presence of Mercury retrograde, that may not happen. Typical of the Trickster, you get conflicting signals or fake-outs of buy or sell signals. Thus, our policy is to hold off on entering new position trades until the retrograde cycle “tricks” end. This is usually a time band for aggressive traders only.    Monday, August 19, however, is the center of this cosmic storm. This is when the first of three passages of Jupiter square Saturn in mutable signs (unstable and erratic) takes place over the next 10 months. Venus in Virgo will add intensity to this mutable square, which will also make a mutable T-square with Jupiter and Saturn on Monday, August 19, while Mars in Gemini will add to the mix. Venus squares Mars on August 23, which ends this cosmic log jam for a few days. But the cosmic play of August 19 also contains a powerful Full Moon, with Uranus sitting right between the Sun and Moon in a fixed sign T-square. This Full Moon in T-square with Uranus is still close enough to involve Algol and thus to touch off that Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction that took place in mid-July when the DJIA, S&P, and NASDAQ all made their all-time highs. Is this to be a cosmic case of déjà vu? We note that two of the signatures unfolding on August 19 have an 80+% correlation to sharp reversals +/- 4 trading days. It might get very wild here.  MMA FREE WEEKLY COLUMN FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING AUGUST 19, 2024 © - Merriman Market Analyst (mmacycles.com)

 As reported in three special stock market update reports this past week, the strong 2-week rally following the low of August 5, when Mercury retrograde began, is not only highly unusual but confirms August 5 as the primary cycle low. It also looks like a greater 50-week cycle trough, for rallies of this magnitude tend to happen only after longer-term cycles begin. ・・・ The U.S. markets were also strong, but, as of yet, have not made new all-time highs. They are close, and with Uranus about to turn retrograde, they could explode and do so soon since Uranus loves to break any long-term support or resistance zones, such as previous all-time highs. ・・・ Threats from nature and in the realm of world economies and national politics are not over, given the onslaught of geocosmic signatures yet to come. First, we find Uranus changing directions on September 1, the same day that Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn until November 20, for the last time in about 240 years. Uranus’ changing direction is always a wild card for financial markets and natural events such as high winds, tornadoes, hurricanes, electrical blackouts, and earthquakes. At the same time, Pluto is highlighted as having symbolic associations with volcanic eruptions. ・・・ At the same time, we are under a retrograde semi-square from Saturn to Pluto, the first 1/8 harmonic aspect following their conjunction in mid-January 2020 when 1) Covid broke out and 2) Iranian General Qassem Soleimani was assassinated by the U.S. The first 1/8 of a cycle is when themes that were present under the conjunction return. ・・・ However, we also note that transiting Mars will trine the New York Stock Exchange’s Jupiter and Neptune, now through next week. This has a bullish bias for U.S. stocks on its own.  MMA FREE WEEKLY COLUMN FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING AUGUST 26, 2024 © - Merriman Market Analyst (mmacycles.com)

 However, we should note that the Venusian capacity to create harmony and social value will be diminished during its four-week long transit of Virgo (Aug 24-Sep 17). The traditional association Venus with value and wealth (e.g luxury goods, gold) could also impact financial markets since its debilitated state could lessen investor confidence. The upcoming conjunction of Venus with Ketu (South Lunar Node) on September 4 may highlight a moment of a ‘loss of value’ since Ketu represents renunciation and anti-materialism.   Finally, Uranus turns retrograde on next Sunday, September 1. Uranus rules technology and innovation and is associated with intense bursts of energy, often with unpredictable consequences. Uranus retrograde stations can be disruptive of the status quo as prevailing trends are subject to change and interruption. This particular retrograde station of Uranus at 3 Taurus may be especially powerful since it will closely align with Mars (3 Gemini). Mars-Uranus combinations symbolize chaotic and uncontrolled interaction, often with an overtone of conflict and violence. Friday’s Mars-Uranus alignment will be within one degree of exact and will coincide with a tense Moon-Pluto opposition.  Transit Outlook - Week of 26 August 2024 - Modern Vedic Astrology

Venus Square Uranus
New Moon (Leo) 20:15
Venus → Virgo 11:22
Mercury → retrograde 13:53
Sun ⚹ Jupiter 22:35
Mercury Conjunction Venus 12:06
Mars Conjunction Jupiter 0:21
Mars Square Saturn
Mercury Square Uranus 18:47
Sun Conjunction Mercury 10:58
Venus Square Jupiter 14:52
Venus Opposition Saturn 17:29
Sun Square Uranus 1:44
Full Moon (Aquarius) 3:23
Jupiter Square Saturn 6:46
Sun → Virgo 23:54
Venus Square Mars
Mercury ⚹ Mars 13:39
Venus Trine Uranus 16:23
Venus Opposition Neptune 5:24
Mercury → direct motion 6:11
Venus → Libra 22:22
Venus Trine Pluto 23:31


 2024 Aug 29 (Thu) = High
 2024 Sep 07 (Sat) = Low
 2024 Sep 14 (Sat) = High
 2024 Sep 19 (Thu) = Low
 2024 Sep 27 (Fri) = High
 2024 Oct 01 (Tue) = Low
 2024 Oct 05 (Sat) = High

土星逆行 06/30
天王星逆行 09/02
海王星逆行 07/02~
冥王星逆行 05/03~

40 Week Hurst Cycle Trough on August 5th.
Martin Armstrong's DJIA Aggregate topping Week August 26-30 and
Panic Cycle Week September 9 - 13
.  US Stock Market Seasonality negative into late October

  But even then, some global indices continued to make new cycle (and even all-time) highs while others did not. We call this intermarket bearish divergence, which—as the name implies—has bearish implications. But that conflicts with the amplitude of the rallies that started on the low of August 5. Those rallies indicated a new 50-week cycle, and that’s bullish. ・・・ As far as the longer-term outlook goes, I will stay with my prior views given in the special alerts of two weeks ago that the U.S. (and many global stock indices) are in a new bullish stage. Several global indices confirmed this with their new all-time highs last week. ・・・ There goes Mercury retrograde. However here comes its higher octave—Uranus retrograde. We lose the “Trickster” but now get the “Disruptor.” ・・・ Think of Mercury as the calculator, and Uranus as the high-speed computer; Mercury as the automobile and Uranus as the space rocket; or Mercury as the wind and Uranus as the hurricane or tornado. In terms of markets, Mercury can indicate short-term fakeouts, whereas Uranus represents breakouts of long-term resistance or support, or sharp corrections against the trend followed by reversals back with the trend. It’s a disruption to a trend or a breakout to new highs or lows in the direction of the underlying trend. In either case, there is the element of surprise, usually in the amplitude of the move. It can also relate to natural calamities, like earthquakes and hurricanes. ・・・ However, Uranus turning retrograde may not be the most significant geocosmic signature taking place next week. Also, on September 1, as Uranus turns retrograde, Pluto will re-enter Capricorn due to its own retrograde motion. It will stay there until November 19, when it enters Aquarius for the next 19-20 years. Pluto has been (and will be) dancing back and forth over the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp five times between March 23, 2023 and November 19, 2024. MMA FREE WEEKLY COLUMN FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 2, 2024 © - Merriman Market Analyst (mmacycles.com)

 Financial matters may do less well early in the week as Venus, the planet of value and luxury, is afflicted by Ketu. Once Venus transits past Ketu on Thursday and Friday, there is a good chance for a return to normal approaches to value and finances. The Moon’s conjunction with Venus and alignment with Jupiter would also suggest a better outlook for the economy and financial markets. Transit Outlook - Week of 2 September 2024 - Modern Vedic Astrology 

 As of September 4 (Wed), lower prices on the S&P 500 are expected. The market should decline further until September 12 (Thu), potentially hitting another low around September 18 (Wed). A rally is anticipated from then until September 23 (Mon) or 25 (Wed).  Historical patterns from 2000 and 2007 suggest similar market behavior, including a likely 50 basis point Fed rate cut around September 18-19 (Wed-Thu), which might initially seem bullish but could be bearish in the long run. A 10% decline might occur before the election, with a possible bounce post-election. Time ▾ Price ▴ Research: S&P 500 Slide Until September 18th & Potential Rally to 25th | Allen Reminick (time-price-research-astrofin.blogspot.com)

 Then, on September 11, Mercury will come out of its “shadow” period that began when it turned retrograde on August 5 in early Virgo. You might remember that as the time when the stock markets of the world ended their mini-panic and started a robust 10-day rally. Revisiting that same degree when the retrograde began (thus exiting the “shadow”), has the possibility of reversing this current secondary pullback. As long as equity markets hold well above the August 5 low, corrective pullbacks after a primary or 50-week cycle bottom can be favorable times to buy. MMA FREE WEEKLY COLUMN FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 9, 2024 - Merriman Market Analyst (mmacycles.com)

 Mars is again in focus on Tuesday as it reaches its point of maximum northerly declination on Thursday at 23N28.  ・・・ As it happens, the Moon also reaches its maximum southerly declination on the same day, September 10.  ・・・  The fact that the Moon will also oppose Mars on Thursday is another reason to keep a special eye on Thursday this week. Some financial fallout is also possible from this Moon-Mars combination. ・・・ The planets would seem to improve later in the week as Venus aligns with Jupiter on Friday and Saturday. Friday could well be the best day of the week for launching new projects and scheduling meetings and appointments as Venus is aspected by Jupiter and the Sun and Moon form a harmonious 120 degree alignment at midday EDT. ・・・ Sunday, September 15 also looks quite favourable for most activities as the Moon forms a Grand Trine with Venus and Jupiter in which each planet is 120 degrees from the other two. Transit Outlook - Week of 9 September 2024; Presidential debate - Modern Vedic Astrology

 We are in the midst of another geocosmic critical reversal zone right now, though not as powerful as the one of August 31-September 3, which is Uranus going retrograde and Pluto moving back into Capricorn (until November 19). Venus trine Jupiter is in the middle of this next zone on Sunday, September 15. A powerful but peculiar lunar eclipse on Tuesday, September 17 follows this. It’s peculiar because it conjoins Neptune in late Pisces. ・・・ As traders and investors, markets may react to these Neptunian rumors and propaganda. This cosmic influence is in effect through the following Monday, September 23, as the Sun will be in opposition to Neptune then, trine Pluto, and at the same time, Venus (money and love) will be square Pluto. The day after, September 23, Venus will enter Scorpio, its detriment. As Pluto rules Scorpio and is in square aspect with Venus, this may become an intense period for financial markets, especially currencies and grains. ・・・ Neptune is often coincident with bouts of irrational exuberance, driving equity prices up to new highs. However, it can also lead to hysteria if prices start to suddenly decline. Neptune and Pisces are also associated with Crude Oil, so this is one market we will want to watch closely this week. Indirectly, that can also coincide with shifts in interest rate markets, which is expected anyway as the Fed is due to lower their bank lending rate. Will this create a bump up, followed by a sharp turn down in stock markets? It can’t be ruled out because we still cannot confirm the low of August 5 as a 50-week cycle trough. If not, it could happen at the end of this primary cycle, with a 16-26% decline by February and, ideally, by December. If it was the 50-week cycle trough, then stocks could go higher before an even greater decline later next year.  MMA FREE WEEKLY COLUMN FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 16, 2024 - Merriman Market Analyst (mmacycles.com)

 Transit Outlook — Week of 16 September 2024; FOMC meeting  (15 September 2024)   The highlight this week may well be Tuesday night’s lunar eclipse at 1 Pisces. With the eclipse occurring just three degrees from Neptune, there could be heightened risk of deception, ‘fake news’ and illusions in several areas of life. ・・・ Another potential trouble spot this week could be the Mercury-Saturn opposition that is exact on Tuesday and Wednesday.  ・・・  And given Mercury’s connection with trading, financial markets are also at risk from this aspect, most likely in the first half of the week. ・・・ A more positive shift in collective sentiment is more likely on Wednesday (EDT) as Venus enters sidereal Libra. Venus-related matters typically do better in Libra, especially following the often-difficult transit through Virgo, its sign of debilitation. ・・・  As it happens, this will coincide with the latest Federal Reserve policy statement on the economy. The auspicious condition of Venus in Libra would tend to suggest a favorable market reaction to the Fed statement. And yet the afternoon Moon-Rahu conjunction that forms a 90-degree square with Mars leaves the door open to some volatility along the way. ・・・ Thursday and Friday could be favorable as the Sun aligns with Uranus (3 Taurus), Neptune (4 Pisces) and Pluto (5 Capricorn). This is an excellent alignment for taking bold and assertive actions as leadership skills are in focus. However, the Sun-Neptune opposition could still manifest as deceptions and malfeasance involving governments and bosses. Nonetheless, there is a broadly positive resonance in these Sun alignments that should benefit any initiating actions here. Next weekend also seem quite good as Venus forms the same alignment with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The Venus influence could favor social interaction and socializing more specifically. Saturday and Sunday (Sep 21-22) are therefore good times to schedule meetings, get-togethers and parties, as well as begin any projects related to the arts, social interaction, and women. Transit Outlook - Week of 16 September 2024; FOMC meeting - Modern Vedic Astrology

 The week after September options expiration week, has a dreadful history of declines most notably since 1990. The week after September quarterly options expiration week has been a nearly constant source of pain with only a few meaningful exceptions over the past 34 years. Substantial and across the board gains have occurred just four times: 1998, 2001, 2010 and 2016 while many more weeks were hit with sizable losses. In 2022 DJIA and S&P 500 declined over 4% while NASDAQ fell 5.07%.
 Full stats are the sea-of-red in the tables here. Average losses since 1990 are even worse; DJIA –1.09%, S&P 500 –1.06%, NASDAQ –1.06%. End-of-Q3 portfolio restructuring is the most likely explanation for this trend as managers trim summer holdings and position for the fourth quarter. Time ▾ Price ▴ Research: September Quadruple Witching Week Dodgy, Week After Dreadful | Jeff Hirsch (time-price-research-astrofin.blogspot.com)

 The transits this week argue for caution. Last week’s entry of Venus into sidereal Libra on Wednesday may have supported collective sentiment as evidenced in the continued rise of the US stock market. The Federal Reserve’s decision to cut interest rates by 50 basis points was welcomed by most investors in the hopes that lower borrowing costs will fuel economic expansion. ・・・ In addition, we can see there is an interesting pair of 45 degree aspects on Wednesday. Saturn will be 45 degrees from Pluto while Mars will be 45 degrees from Uranus. The 45 degree semi-square aspect is widely used in Western astrology and is the equivalent to a conjunction in the D-8 Ashtamsa chart. (N.B. The D-8 varga chart is the same as the 8th harmonic chart.) We can see that Saturn is conjunct Pluto at 14 Taurus and Mars is conjunct Pluto at 23 Sagittarius in this chart. Thus, the midpoint of Saturn-Uranus (26 Pisces) is equivalent to the midpoint of Mars-Pluto (26 Pisces). The association of these four planets looks stressful and is another reason why caution is advised in midweek. Saturn-Pluto alignments symbolize the exercise of power and control. Mars-Uranus is connected with sudden and often violent actions. While alignments in the 8th harmonic chart are theoretically less powerful than in the Rasi chart, this pattern is still noteworthy. Financial markets may become more vulnerable this week, especially around the time of these two Ashtamsa conjunctions.  Transit Outlook - Week of 23 September 2024; Israel attack - Modern Vedic Astrology

Uranus → retrograde
Pluto → Capricorn 8:58
New Moon (Virgo) 10:55
Mars Square Neptune 13:09
Venus opposition True Node
Mars → Cancer 4:46
Mercury Square Uranus 13:11
Sun Opposition Saturn 13:34
Mercury ⚹ Mars 12:36
Sun Square Jupiter 19:51
Venus Trine Jupiter 14:33
Mars  square True Node
Mercury Opposition Saturn 17:48
Sun Trine Uranus 23:03
Sun Opposition Neptune 9:16
Mercury Square Jupiter 17:48
Sun Trine Pluto 15:11
Sun → Libra - Autumnal equinoX 21:43
Venus Square Pluto 6:14
Venus → Scorpio 11:35
Mercury Trine Uranus 2:27
Mercury Opposition Neptune 20:07
Mars semi-square Uranus
Mercury Trine Pluto 13:14
Mercury → Libra 17:09
Mars Trine Saturn 13:06



木星逆行 10/09~
土星逆行 06/30~
天王星逆行 09/02~
海王星逆行 07/02~
冥王星逆行 05/03~10/12

Sun Conjunction Mercury 6:10
New Moon (Libra) 3:48
Venus Trine Saturn 2:03
Mercury Square Mars 15:37
Venus Trine Mars 19:20
Jupiter → retrograde
Pluto → direct motion 9:32
Mercury Square Pluto 23:03
Mercury → Scorpio 4:23
Sun Trine Jupiter 12:51
Sun Square Mars 17:13
Venus Opposition Uranus 7:21
Venus Trine Neptune 9:48
Full Moon (Aries) 20:26 スーパームーン
Venus ⚹ Pluto 21:30
Venus → Sagittarius 4:27
Mercury Trine Saturn 15:35
Sun Square Pluto 23:14
Venus trine True Node
Sun → Scorpio 7:14
Mars ⚹ Uranus 9:12
Mars Trine Neptune 21:33
Venus Square Saturn 22:34



水星逆行 11/26~
木星逆行 10/09~
土星逆行 06/30~11/15
天王星逆行 09/02~
海王星逆行 07/02~

Mercury Trine Mars 17:21
Mercury ⚹ Pluto 0:04
Mercury → Sagittarius 4:18
Mars Opposition Pluto 20:40
Venus Opposition Jupiter 0:24
Sun Trine Saturn 2:35
Venus Square Neptune 22:15
Venus → Capricorn 3:25
Mercury Square Saturn 22:26
Saturn → direct motion
Venus square True Node
Sun Opposition Uranus 11:44
Mercury Opposition Jupiter 18:06
Sun Trine Neptune 11:07
Pluto → Aquarius 5:35
Sun → Sagittarius 4:56
Sun ⚹ Pluto 5:48
Venus ⚹ Saturn 20:55
Mars trine True Node
Mercury → retrograde 11:37
Sun Trine Mars 17:03



水星逆行 11/26~12/16
火星逆行 12/07~

木星逆行 10/09~
天王星逆行 09/02~
海王星逆行 07/02~12/08

New Moon (Sagittarius) 15:18
Venus Trine Uranus 23:42
Mercury Opposition Jupiter 19:04
Sun Square Saturn 1:18
Venus ⚹ Neptune 3:51
Mars → retrograde
Mercury Square Saturn 10:55
Venus → Aquarius 15:13
Venus Conjunction Pluto 23:08
Sun Opposition Jupiter 5:57
Neptune → direct motion 8:42
Venus Opposition Mars 19:44
Mercury ⚹ Venus 17:03
Moon ⚹ Neptune 21:39
Full Moon (Gemini) 18:04
Mercury → direct motion
Sun Square Neptune 23:28
Venus Trine Jupiter 11:10
Sun → Capricorn - Winter solstice 18:20
Jupiter Square Saturn
Mercury Opposition Jupiter 7:45
Mercury Square Saturn 16:22
Venus Square Uranus 16:41
Pluto sextile True Node



火星逆行 12/07~
木星逆行 10/09~
天王星逆行 09/02~01/31

Venus → Pisces 12:24
Mars Opposition Pluto 16:18
Sun ⚹ Saturn 7:35
Mars → Cancer 19:40
Mercury Square Neptune 22:53
Mars Trine Neptune 6:14
Sun Trine Uranus 17:13
Full Moon (Cancer) 7:27
Venus Square Jupiter 4:48
Sun Opposition Mars 11:38
Sun ⚹ Neptune 20:19
Venus Conjunction Saturn 10:26
Mercury ⚹ Saturn 16:36
Mercury ⚹ Venus 1:26
Sun → Aquarius 4:59
Sun Conjunction Pluto 21:28
Mars ⚹ Uranus 0:09
Mercury Opposition Mars 5:48
Mercury Trine Uranus 7:06
Venus Trine Mars 8:53
Mercury ⚹ Neptune 3:31
Venus ⚹ Uranus 8:11
Mercury Conjunction Pluto 16:50
New Moon (Aquarius) 21:32
Uranus → direct motion 1:21
Sun Trine Jupiter 7:58

Stellium, 2023, March 15, Mercury, Neptune, Su
T-Square, 2023, May 17, Pluto, Mars, Jupiter
Wedge (Far), 2023, May 19, Pluto, Mars, Su
Wedge (Near), 2023, July 09, Pluto, Neptune, Mercury
Wedge (Near), 2023, July 20, Pluto, Neptune, Su
Yod, 2023, July 26, Mercury, Venus, Pluto, Neptune
Yod, 2023, October 03, Mars, Neptune, Uranus
Yod, 2023, October 03, Neptune, Venus, Mars
Yod, 2023, November 14, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury
Yod, 2023, November 24, Uranus, Venus, Mercury
Wedge (Near), 2023, December 09, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter

Stellium, 2024, February 27, Mercury, Sun, Saturn
T-Square, 2024, August 17, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mars
T-Square, 2024, August 19, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter
Grand Trine, 2024, August 27, Venus, Pluto, Uranus
Kite, 2024, August 27, Venus, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus
Wedge (Near), 2024, August 27, Neptune, Uranus, Venus
Wedge (Near), 2024, September 19, Neptune, Uranus, Su
Grand Trine, 2024, September 20, Sun, Pluto, Uranus
Kite, 2024, September 20, Sun, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus
Yod, 2024, September 20, Venus, Neptune, Uranus
Wedge (Near), 2024, September 24, Neptune, Uranus, Mercury
Grand Trine, 2024, October 05, Venus, Saturn, Mars
Yod, 2024, October 11, Mercury, Neptune, Uranus
Wedge (Far), 2024, October 14, Venus, Uranus, Neptune
Wedge (Near), 2024, October 15, Venus, Pluto, Uranus
2024年10月17日(木) スーパームーン
Yod, 2024, October 18, Sun, Neptune, Uranus
Wedge (Far), 2024, October 30, Mercury, Uranus, Neptune
Grand Trine, 2024, October 30, Neptune, Mars, Mercury
Kite, 2024, October 31, Mars, Mercury, Pluto, Neptune
Wedge (Far), 2024, October 31, Mars, Pluto, Mercury
Kite, 2024, October 31, Mercury, Neptune, Uranus, Mars
Wedge (Far), 2024, November 17, Sun, Uranus, Neptune
T-Square, 2024, December 05, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn
火星逆行 2024/12/07 8:32~2025/02/24 11:00

Wedge (Far), 2024, December 11, Mars, Venus, Mercury

Wedge (Far), 2025, January 14, Sun, Mars, Uranus
Wedge (Near), 2025, January 15, Sun, Neptune, Mars
Wedge (Far), 2025, January 22, Mercury, Mars, Uranus
火星逆行 2024/12/07 8:32~2025/02/24 11:00
金星逆行 2025/03/02 9:35~ 2025/04/13 10:02
Stellium, 2025, March 28, Venus, Mercury, Neptune
Stellium, 2025, April 05, Saturn, Venus, Mercury
Yod, 2025, June 19, Mars, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune
Yod, 2025, June 19, Pluto, Jupiter, Mars
Yod, 2025, June 22, Pluto, Sun, Jupiter, Mars
Wedge (Near), 2025, June 27, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Mercury
Wedge (Far), 2025, July 23, Pluto, Sun, Uranus
Wedge (Near), 2025, July 23, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Su
Grand Trine, 2025, August 05, Uranus, Mars, Pluto
Wedge (Near), 2025, August 06, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Mars
Wedge (Near), 2025, August 06, Neptune, Uranus, Mars
Kite, 2025, August 07, Mars, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus
Wedge (Far), 2025, August 07, Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto
Yod, 2025, August 22, Sun, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune
Wedge (Far), 2025, August 25, Pluto, Venus, Uranus
Wedge (Near), 2025, August 25, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Venus
Yod, 2025, September 02, Mercury, Pluto, Neptune, Saturn
Yod, 2025, September 17, Saturn, Venus, Mars
Arrowhead (Focused Yod), 2025, September 17, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Mars
Grand Trine, 2025, September 18, Uranus, Mercury, Pluto
Kite, 2025, September 18, Mercury, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus
Yod, 2025, September 19, Venus, Pluto, Neptune, Saturn
Arrowhead (Focused Yod), 2025, September 19, Saturn, Venus, Sun, Mars
Yod, 2025, September 21, Mars, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus
Kite, 2025, September 22, Sun, Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus
Wedge (Far), 2025, September 22, Sun, Neptune, Saturn, Pluto
Grand Trine, 2025, October 22, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn
Grand Trine, 2025, October 25, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn
Grand Trine, 2025, October 26, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn
Wedge (Near), 2025, October 28, Mercury, Pluto, Uranus
Wedge (Far), 2025, November 02, Mars, Uranus, Neptune
Wedge (Near), 2025, November 03, Mars, Pluto, Uranus
Grand Trine, 2025, November 15, Jupiter, Sun, Saturn
Wedge (Far), 2025, November 19, Sun, Mercury, Uranus, Neptune
Wedge (Near), 2025, November 21, Sun, Pluto, Uranus
Grand Trine, 2025, November 25, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn
2025年12月5日(金) スーパームーン

Stellium, 2026, January 04, Venus, Sun, Mars
Stellium, 2026, January 21, Sun, Mercury, Pluto
Stellium, 2026, March 06, Venus, Neptune, Saturn
Stellium, 2026, April 19, Mercury, Saturn, Mars
Wedge (Far), 2026, July 12, Pluto, Jupiter, Uranus
Wedge (Near), 2026, July 12, Pluto, Neptune, Jupiter
Wedge (Far), 2026, July 25, Pluto, Sun, Jupiter, Uranus
Wedge (Far), 2026, August 10, Neptune, Venus, Mercury
Kite, 2026, August 10, Pluto, Uranus, Mercury, Venus
Wedge (Far), 2026, August 10, Pluto, Mercury, Uranus
Mystic Rectangle, 2026, August 10, Pluto, Neptune, Mercury, Venus
Wedge (Near), 2026, August 11, Mercury, Venus, Pluto
T-Square, 2026, September 30, Mars, Pluto, Mercury
Wedge (Near), 2026, September 30, Pluto, Neptune, Mars
T-Square, 2026, December 07, Uranus, Mercury, Mars
Trapezoid, 2026, December 07, Venus, Pluto, Uranus, Mars

Yod, 2027, January 18, Mars, Mercury, Saturn
Yod, 2027, January 26, Mars, Sun, Saturn
Wedge (Far), 2027, January 27, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus
Arrowhead (Focused Yod), 2027, February 09, Mars, Pluto, Mercury, Neptune
Wedge (Near), 2027, March 14, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter
Yod, 2027, June 04, Pluto, Mercury, Mars
Wedge (Far), 2027, July 27, Neptune, Mars, Sun
Kite, 2027, July 27, Mars, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus
Mystic Rectangle, 2027, July 27, Pluto, Neptune, Sun, Mars
Wedge (Near), 2027, July 29, Sun, Mars, Pluto
Wedge (Near), 2027, July 30, Pluto, Neptune, Venus, Sun
Stellium, 2027, August 09, Mercury, Venus, Sun
Yod, 2027, August 15, Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune
Yod, 2027, August 19, Jupiter, Mercury, Pluto, Neptune
Yod, 2027, August 24, Venus, Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune
Yod, 2027, August 28, Sun, Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune
Yod, 2027, November 13, Saturn, Jupiter, Sun


Kitchin Cycle Suggests DJIA Decline Until End of 2025

DJIA correction begun, and the 41 Month Kitchin Cycle suggests a decline until the end of 2025.
Multiyear High in the DJIA between June and October 2024, i.e. sometime between the crests of the 40 Month Cycle and the 42 Month Cycle.

18年サイクルと Aries Vortex of 2025-2027

W.D. Gann's Financial Time Table 
2024~2028  は  2006~2009 と同じ展開になる?

 As we left that period in the mid-1990s, we pointed our readers to the next powerful configuration involving the outer planets of 2008-2015, a period we coined as “The Cardinal Climax,” for Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto would all be entering cardinal signs (along with Jupiter and Saturn too), forming a powerful cardinal T-square with one another for the first time since the Great Depression. Indeed, it was another economic depression, now called the “Great Recession” of 2008-2011, when many companies and even nations (like Greece) went bankrupt or suffered credit downgrades. The current worldwide debt crisis exploded then under the experimental policies of central banks known as QE (quantitative easing) and ZIRP (zero interest rate policies), and out-of-control fiscal (stimulus) spending by many governments of the world, including the U.S.   And now we are headed into another powerful geocosmic configuration involving the major outer planets. We will henceforth refer to this as the “Aries Vortex.” In February 2026, Saturn and Neptune will both enter Aries in a powerful conjunction aspect at the “world universal degree” of zero Aries. Additionally, Uranus will form a trine Pluto from Gemini and Aquarius, respectively, and their midpoint will be near the zero Aries point. Thus, this is not only a Saturn/Neptune conjunction and Uranus/Pluto trine but also a double sextile aspect between Saturn/Neptune to both Uranus and Pluto. It will look like an arrow with the zero Aries point at the tip, hence acting like a cosmic vortex attracting a powerful energy that brings together the principles of Saturn/Neptune and Uranus/Pluto. According to colleague and Astro researcher Daniel Gordon, who initiated the discussion on creating a name for this cosmic event, nothing like this has happened before. Yes, there are remarkable similarities to the mid-1400s and the European renaissances, but nothing involving the four outermost planets sharing the universal degree of zero Aries, which represents the end and beginning of the astrological signs.

 Even though it is not exact until early 2026, the themes of this unusually powerful geocosmic combination are already underway as of December 21, 2020, when Jupiter and Saturn began the 160-year “Air Epoch” (or the “New Aira,” a term coined by colleague Kat Powell) with their conjunction at 0° Aquarius. This was then followed by the ingress of Pluto into Aquarius (the same 0°) on March 23, 2023.

 You can see and feel it starting to unfold now. The direction of humanity is undergoing an enormous change of direction, and we are not quite sure exactly where it will end up, typical of Saturn/Neptune. But we experientially know it is happening. We are aware of the dangers as well as the hopes this Aries Vortex poses. We were (and are) prepared for it to happen via our understanding of the correlation of geocosmic cycles to cycles in human activity. After all, this awareness and understanding is the real value of astrology to society.     https://www.mmacycles.com/free-weekly-forecast/mma-free-weekly-column-for-the-week-beginning-july-3-2023/

  Second, the majority of stock market cycles since the 1890s with Jupiter in Taurus have more frequently exhibited bearish trends, not bullish. Maybe Taurus‘ mascot should change from a bull to a bear before the cosmic compliance office accuses market watchers of willful misinformation. In many of these cases, the stock market remained bearish until Jupiter reached Leo, +/- one sign, which will be in effect June 2025-August 2028. MMA FREE WEEKLY COLUMN FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING OCTOBER 23, 2023 © - Merriman Market Analyst (mmacycles.com)

 The Mars/Venus/Pluto conjunction of February 13-22 had a sordid correlation last week to the disturbing death (murder?) of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny. Each of these planets has recently left Capricorn (the past) and crossed over the supercharged degree of 0° Aquarius (the future). This was outlined in our annual Forecast 2024 webinar last week, as we explained how Pluto moving over the first degree of Aquarius can be turbulent, violent, and coercive. It is a step in the challenging process by which Pluto in Aquarius finds the courage and resistance to oppose this type of bullying behavior in its pathway to greater freedom and independence. In other words, we are now in a cycle of violence, destruction, and war now (along with innovation and invention), and it might last until the Aries Vortex of 2025-2027 finally reaches its nadir. MMA FREE WEEKLY COLUMN FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING FEBRUARY 26, 2024 © - Merriman Market Analyst (mmacycles.com)

 The transits to the chart of the Federal Reserve Board look favorable—and even accommodative—after Mercury leaves its retrograde shadow zone on May 11. Then, a multi-month transit of Uranus in favorable trine aspect to the FRB’s natal Jupiter at 23° Capricorn follows. This suggests some rather innovative new policies (and arguments) by the Fed that could be perceived as unusually accommodative given the data that is actually being reported. ・・・ However, after that, the “Aries Vortex” comes into play as Saturn and Neptune approach their conjunction at 0° Aries in February 2026, right on the FRB’s Midheaven and in a potent T-square to its Sun/Pluto opposition. This implies a fierce power struggle for control of the Fed, +/– one year. MMA FREE WEEKLY COLUMN FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING APRIL 29, 2024 © - Merriman Market Analyst (mmacycles.com)


 Time ▾ Price ▴ Research: Crude Oil's 10-Year Leading Indication for US Stock Market | Tom McClellan (time-price-research-astrofin.blogspot.com)

 One of the big picture forecasting tools is crude oil prices as a leading indication for the overall stock market. The first chart shows crude oil prices back to 1890 compared to the Dow Jones Industrial Average plotted on logarithmic scales. The price of crude oil is shifted forward by 10 years. The correlation isn't always perfect, but generally speaking, when there is a rise in crude oil prices, 10 years later, there is a rise in the stock market. When crude oil prices go flat, the stock market goes flat. 

 We are not yet quite at that 10 year echo point in stocks, which would equate to June of 2024, 10 years after crude oil peaked. That means the next few years are not going to be so great, especially between now and early 2026. Early 2026 will be a great time for investors to ride the stock market long all the way to 2028.

